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  1. L

    Detection times

    If I stop using clomid and nolvadex 8weeks before steroid test do I fail that test? Or should I stop using them 9weeks before tests. I finded somewhere that clomid and nolva have 2month detection time
  2. L

    Question About Sarms

    Hey how long it takes that Ostarine is not showing in doping test? Is 1 month okay or should I stop 2 or 3 months before test?
  3. L

    Test prop first cykle

    Because I don't have more time than 6weeks. Then if I take clomid (it has 2month detection time)for pct it need to get out of the system before drug tests. I have started syckle already. I am 21 year old. My height is 5 feet 10inches and weight is 155lbs. This is my first cyckle and my bodyfat...
  4. L

    Test prop first cykle

    Hi I will use Test prop for 6week(250mg a week) is it okay to use HCG at the last week of test then 2weeks clomid 50mg a day for pct?
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