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  1. F


  2. F reviews and special offers

    going to try the PaMix M300 (Masteron). i never tried a blend of both esters.
  3. F

    Blood Work

    Is the tren the culprit behind those lipids?
  4. F reviews and special offers

    Thanks! Going to place an order give them a try.
  5. F reviews and special offers

    So whats the difference? We want US DOMESTIC?
  6. F

    Roids24 legit?

    Why not a source anymore?
  7. F

    Lipid Issues

    Lipids are back to normal. Thanks dg
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    Lipid Issues

    If i took anavar for 3 weeks, then stopped for 2 weeks to let me lipids reset with proper supplement, should I continue and finish with 4-5 week? So 3 week on, 2 off, , 4-6 on?
  9. F

    Lipid Issues

    So if your on proper lipid support... your natural lipid results should be similar to your on cycle lipids?
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    Lipid Issues

    At the time i was using just liver support, nothing specifically for lipids.
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    Anavar 12 week cycle bloodwork results

    How were your other labs? What kind of gains did you see
  12. F

    Anavar 12 week cycle bloodwork results

    What was dosage during the 12 week cycle?
  13. F

    Lipid Issues

    Thanks. Ill try the anavar again with protection and if i still get bad lipids .. ill just ditch the orals for good and consider something like test + mast next round.
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    Lipid Issues

    So my lipids are normal for someone who uses anavar and not protection? Im hoping my protection that i have been using will help next time i use it.. My lipids have already improved a lot. how's masteron on lipids?
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    Lipid Issues

    I did a cycle of anavar with test then ran bloods a few weeks in. normal lipids are usually 160 Cholesterols, 100 LDL, 40 HDL, 70 TRIG lipids after 4 weeks anavar + test im not sure i was even taking var. i suppose i was after just a few weeks of stopping and taking DG advice , supplements...
  16. F

    Adrenal fatigue cortisol cycle

    Would a moderate cycle of Test + Anavar worsen adrenal fatigue? If so would adrenal support during a cycle be ok?
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    What Are The Red Flags You Have Fake Anavar?

    Im on trt. I was on var for 3 weeks then stopped... how long do i wait to add anavar back in then
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    What Are The Red Flags You Have Fake Anavar?

    I was only on anavar for 3 weeks then stopped. I will wait 4 weeks then do a 4 week cycle
  19. F

    What Are The Red Flags You Have Fake Anavar?

    Ok orderd dga organ, how long should i wait unil I continue with my cycle
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