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    Question About Sarms

    thank you mr.gemelli. you are giving a lot of information that nobody can find it on internet.
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    Question About Sarms

    Hello I have a question again. I am running s4 lgd stack I am running them for 12 weeks I have got some ostarine for 8 weeks supply. I want to include them but I have already started for lgd and s4 stack I will be almost a month in about 6-7 days later so can I include ostarine to my...
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    clomid help

    stop masturbating, and mix the honey with almond and walnuts. eat it 4 tbs, do this every 4 days of a week. You are going to be roaring while you are having sex.
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    Question About Sarms

    Hello, I want to make an update, I have some issues actually. I have the yellow tint actually. It comes on and it goes after. It does not bother me even I still see stuff yellow. I dont care. I have a lower back kidney pain. I am not sure its kidney or not. my left lower back hurts sometimes...
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    Question About Sarms

    mr.gemelli I am using 10 mg lgd and 50 mg s4 as you mentioned. it has been 3 days and I did not get any side effects from it. Do you think that I should increase the dosage or the best is just stayin at this level.
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    Question About Sarms

    Thank you sir you are the best and I am so glad that you devoted your time to help people like me. God bless you
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    Question About Sarms

    Sir, can you inform me about the PCT and dosage of rad-140 with the usage of lgd for 12 weeks.
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    Question About Sarms

    As I stated before body recompositon, and you have stated s4 and LGD but according to my last minute schedule changes, I have a 6 pm engineering class and I am using glasses so s4 can affect me. that is why I was going to request something that does not affect my vision at night. So I am...
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    Question About Sarms

    Hello, I am still learning and questioning, thank you very much for your patience. I have read a lot of articles and watched all of your videos in youtube. I have also found out that Rad-140 is very good and it has just a slight suppression. Can I run something like LGD and Rad-140 Or...
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    Question About Sarms

    1) Is Gw-501516 is cardarine ? I could not find it on the website sir. 2) is Tongat ali necessery to buy ? 3)
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    Question About Sarms

    You are right sir, but I do not want be asked when I am going back to gym by my friends because I cannot get the same shape as I was 18.
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    Question About Sarms

    Sir, you cannot even show me 1 person who does not use juice in the gym. Everything is competitive at the present. If we were talking about beginning 2000's yeah maybe my current body could be enough. I have tried so many different things as diet and training. I have experienced 1 thing. If you...
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    Question About Sarms

    What about the days I am resting. What am I going to do? I am going to stop using them or just cardarine? I want to do everything right sir because I am going to share my results in this forum.
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    Question About Sarms

    Sir if we do not care the hair, what would you suggest for me? I want to do it in a right way. I am looking for something 12 weeks. Or you could say the stack above is really enough for my age and level.
  15. B

    Question About Sarms

    1)I am confused with clomid. So I am going to start PCT just right after the day I have done with my cycle, for example sunday I am done with cycle and it would be the last day of 12 weeks then the beginning of the 13 week which is monday I am starting right ? No break between PCT and my sarms...
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    Question About Sarms

    I am 20 years old 16% body fat it is usually 13-12% but I got fat and I lost a lot of muscle.I have started working out a month ago again after a year break. I want to cut and get bigger at the same time. Is this possible? if so please just give me the right stacks and write down how to use them...
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