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  1. R

    SARMS Stacks for Women

    Ok thanks Dylan. I’ll do this for sure.
  2. R

    SARMS Stacks for Women

    Thanks very much for your help. I’ll keep the forum posted on my experience with RAD (it’ll be a few weeks as I’m still on a cycle now, then I’ll take a break before staring again). Hopefully this’ll be helpful for other female lifters!
  3. R

    SARMS Stacks for Women

    Hi RickRock, thanks for your input. I’ve read the thread on here ‘RAD140 for Women’, plus other sources of information, and 5-10mg per day seems to be a reasonable dose given the potential side effects. I’d like to try adding in RAD (and GW which I did try a few stacks ago actually) - so doing...
  4. R

    SARMS Stacks for Women

    Ok thanks. I’ll look up the problem with RAD for women...and I’ll research into GW - if I swap out the S4 it’ll be with something that has the same hardening properties as this has really had a nice effect for me!
  5. R

    SARMS Stacks for Women

    Hi Dylan, it’s been a while since I posted but everything’s been going great with the SARMS stacks you’ve recommended me. I started with MK2866 25mg and S4 50mg for 12 weeks. Then I did MK2866 25 mg, S4 50 mg and added in LGD 10mg, for 12 weeks. I’ve done two cycles of this latter stack now. In...
  6. R

    Anavar Advice

    Thanks for the info!
  7. R

    Anavar Advice

    Superb thanks guys! Really looking forward to my first cycle. Thanks for all your help. One last question!! - cycle support - any recommendations? (I'll also check out Dylan's posts next week as he mentioned a new cycle support coming out).
  8. R

    Anavar Advice

    Ok thanks acheter! ....So.... how do I go about ordering? Cheers
  9. R

    Anavar Advice

    Ok so thank you to everyone! - it got quite heated there for a bit!! GDAWG15 - so it seems like 5mg once a day in the am, for 6 weeks, might be for me. Based on Dylan's videos I think I'd stack it with S4 (25mg am, then 25mg 4-6hrs later) and probably GW (20mg 30 mins before the gym). I'd do...
  10. R

    Anavar Advice

    Thanks Guys, great info as usual! I'll check out Hipocampus tomorrow.
  11. R

    Anavar Advice

    One thing - I'm a girl so I don't need PCT right?! My boyfriend will though for sure (he's been doing the SARMS stack with me). I can't seem to get Clomid in the UK though - there's some dodgy looking sites shipping from the US where I have to do a personal bank transfer...can you recommend any...
  12. R

    Anavar Advice

    That was what I was asking thanks! That's exactly the stack I've been on so I'll definitely do another cycle. Cheers
  13. R

    Anavar Advice

    Ok thanks again, I will seriously consider your advice. Are SARMS cycles cumulative i.e. will the next cycle build on the last so that I might expect even better results next time? Thanks!
  14. R

    Anavar Advice

    OK thank you I appreciate your advice. I have heard conflicting reports on the virilisation - i understand it'll be different from woman to woman, but do you still disagree with a low dose - 5-10mg? - for 6 weeks only? Thanks.
  15. R

    Anavar Advice

    Hi Everyone, I've been posting a little on the main forum for the last 3 months...I'm coming to the end of my first 12 week SARMS cycle that Dylan recommended. I'm female, 38, and have been weightlifting for many years, and recently I've been keen to try and put on more clean mass (aren't we...
  16. R

    First Female Anavar Cycle

    Ok will do, sorry. Thanks again.
  17. R

    First Female Anavar Cycle

    Hi Dylan, thanks so much - really appreciate it. I'll be back next week to check out the new protection - thanks for the heads up. Can anyone recommend a reputable seller in the U.K.? Thanks again!
  18. R

    First Female Anavar Cycle

    Hi Dylan and All! So I've posted here a little bit over the last 3 months - I've almost finished my first 12 week SARMS cycle that was recommended by Dylan (MK and S4) and I've been pretty pleased with the results - gained a little mass (about 2 kg) and dropped fat (from 17% to 14% BF), plus...
  19. R

    Coming to the end of first SARMS cycle

    Thank you so much Dylan! Its been a fantastic 2 months - and the results are still coming in these last few weeks of the cycle! Will buy and do exactly what you say! Cheers
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