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  1. R

    Test Ester Question

    If you had to choose between Sust 250 or Test blend 325. Which one would you choose and why?
  2. R

    Pinning questions.

    Thanks for the response. I try to keep my technique the same on both sides, but as far as the right side hurting. I mean as soon as I start to puncture I can feel the muscle just hurt right away? Also, I am getting to the end of my vial and I was wondering how I would fill the last couple of...
  3. R

    Pinning questions.

    I have two questions about pinning that I recently experienced. I am pinning 2x a week on my quads on the side. I rotate legs each pin. My first question is, why does my right side hurt to even begin pinning. I am pinning the same amount of times on each side? The left side is still smooth and...
  4. R

    Cycle Update

    Just wanted to give a cycle update. My cycle is: 300mg test a week for 12 weeks. Along with Aromison 12.5mg eod. This is a first cycle as well with 5-6 years of training. I am 4 weeks in and I am up 5lbs while the mirror would say I am also leaner. I feel like my muscle bellies are always full...
  5. R

    Pre-Fill Syringe

    I am going out of town this weekend and have to pin Sunday morning. Can I fill the syringe before I leave on Friday? I don't want to have to deal with taking the vial and loading the syringe as it takes a while(using a 25g needle).
  6. R

    Noob injection question.

    Yea I am drawing with a 25g needle. It's what they gave me at the pharmacy. It is quite annoying and time consuming. Think if I go back and ask for an 18g needle they'll give some to me? I never gave a reason as to why I was buying the syringes with needles
  7. R

    Noob injection question.

    I notice that when I inject on my right side(Vastus Lateralis) I can feel the test "squirting in" I guess you could say. I don't feel this on my left side. Is this normal? I'm using a 25g x 1" needle. Pretty lean too. So I'm pretty sure it's going IM.
  8. R

    Pin location

    I did the outer thigh(Vastus Lateralis) it was like butter, so smooth.
  9. R

    Pin location

    Went to the pharmacy to pick up my syringes. They gave me 25g x 1" needle. Does this limit my pinning sites? I am fairly lean around 12% body fat
  10. R

    Your favorite oral steroid... Vote!

    What would be a better winstrol dosage. 6 weeks at 25mg or 3 weeks at 50mg?
  11. R

    Low dose Test

    Ok thank you! I'll just keep it to maybe kick start my 2nd cycle.
  12. R

    Low dose Test

    I also do have Prop on hand. Any benefits to ending my last two weeks with it? At 100mg eod?
  13. R

    Low dose Test

    Ok thanks for the input from everyone. I have decided to run test E 300mg/wk for 12 weeks. My only question is the Aromison. I've had different methods explained to me. I was planning on 12.5 eod while on cycle week 1-12. & then adding it into my pct at 12.5 eod as well? Pct btw is the standard...
  14. R

    Low dose Test

    I am 165lbs at 10% body fat. Keep in mind I'm 5'5" I have been lifting for 5 years. My goal is to weigh high 170's with an 8-10% body fat.
  15. R

    Low dose Test

    anybody have experience with running Test E 300mg/wk for 12 weeks? for a first cycle, keep in mind.
  16. R


    I was going to refer him to the Sarms bulking stack. Any ideas on how to run this?
  17. R


    Exactly what I was trying to tell him. From the looks of it, it only looks like it's been out MAYBE a few years, can't trust that. Will not know what it will do to him in the long run. Thanks for the feed back
  18. R


    My bad it is called "yk-11"
  19. R


    Me either? A "supplement store" apparently
  20. R


    Yk-11 I have a buddy that picked up the sarm "yk-11" anybody know what this does? Can't find much research behind it.
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