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  1. T

    Serious Depression problem

    1. Tell your girlfriend or whoever you're in a relationship with what is going on and what you're on. 2. Get off the gear ASAP, especially tren 3. Focus on your relationship and career. Those are what matter right now. I lost the love of my life because I could not control the Tren. Worst...
  2. T

    Female next cycle help

    Could get orals, not as strong as injectables of course
  3. T

    Female next cycle help

    For sure what Dylan said. Primo at 100 mg IF you wanted (which I am with him) you could throw in Anavar with Primo. You'd see huge fucking results. Just be careful... this is what one of my female friends did and she looked amazing.
  4. T

    Pre blood work test question/shout out to the OG ROBO

    First time with tren, no. First time running it correctly and not listening to someone. Yes. I did make so awesome gains however the first time but it did fuck me up because I did not have Caber. I was stupid and just took it without test. Some gym bro told me too. But I learned from my mistakes...
  5. T

    Pre blood work test question/shout out to the OG ROBO

    Awesome! I appreciate that! Thank you bro!
  6. T

    Pre blood work test question/shout out to the OG ROBO

    This will be my 4th cycle. So not an experienced user of course. But been doing a lot of research. Glad to hear you like it!
  7. T

    Pre blood work test question/shout out to the OG ROBO

    I'm excited bro! Literally cannot wait
  8. T

    Pre blood work test question/shout out to the OG ROBO

    What's up guys? So I'm getting ready to do bloodwork pre cycle. I'm going to be going through privatepm. Just wondering what test I should use because there's so many of them. I want Estrogen, Test, Prolactin, lipid profile, blood count and if you guys have any more suggestion I would greatly...
  9. T

    Bulk cycle help

    Appreciate the reply. Good luck on up coming cycle bro
  10. T

    Bulk cycle help

    First of all, how is this a "piss poor first post" when I created an account to ask questions like this so I can become more educated, especially if I'm going to do this. Second, this was a private email I sent to Dylan and he's the one who created the forum of it so technically this is it my...
  11. T

    Tren and NPP Sale

    PM you bro! Excited!
  12. T


    Just PM you! Excited to see man!
  13. T

    MGP is Open

    PM sent! Hope to hear back from ya brotha!
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