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    Supplements for Mental Focus

    Billbobby, One of the better PWO's I've tried with mental focus benefits was Blackstone Labs, Dust v2. Big Jay
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    New Member - Intro and Reason for being here

    jkat08, Appreciate the words of wisdom. Feeling welcome, already. Been a while since I was on a Forum, looking forward to the interactions with you guys and girls. Take care brother, BigJay
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    Diet and Nutrition basics 101

    Great read... Appreciate the time you put into this RickRock. Very good stuff. BigJay
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    New Member - Intro and Reason for being here

    Hey there guys and girls, Found the forum while investigating a supplier, Aces Pharma. Joined the forum today in hopes of reading a bunch of posts that have anything to do with older lifters (40+) running gear as TRT. I have been lifting off and on (More on, than off) for decades through kids...
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