i got the results .i did this in mexico, im not sure if they use the same measurements .total test = 2.73 ng/ml normal range = (2.80-8.00 ). lh 1.45 mUI/mL normal=(1.70-8.60) .fsh 1.03mUI/mL normal=(1.50-12.40)
prolactin 11.28 ng/mL normal =(4.04-15.20) estradiol =5.0 pg/mL normal=(15.5-63.3)...
thank you for your time ! i was looking at the paperwork from the lab ,it was in the order to get tes total and estrogen but they didn't do it for some reason ill go back to re do everything. thanks again!!!
i really appreciate your help guys ! ok it may sound stupid question but by blood work you mean test levels . i had one done last week but didn't have that.it had potassium, calcium and a bunch of stuff and all seemed to be fine.ill take another one this week
has been like 6 weeks since last test shut ,i will get the clomid this week i hope and i have tamoxifen and aromasin ,do i really really need MK2866
GW i cant really afford them right now . thanks for the answer!!!!
Hi Dylan ! i have a question . im 40 years old .i was feeling tired all the time and always had a hard time to get my little buddy to do what i want it to do. i always like to work out ,i been in and out the gym for many reasons but i m in fair condition .i never consider using none of this...