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  1. S

    When to add the gear?

    I know exactly how you feel, buddy. I'm the same way. I've just come to accept it as inevitable when trying to put on size through a cycle.
  2. S

    When to add the gear?

    No one can resist its power! Mwahahaha!
  3. S

    When to add the gear?

    I'm pretty lucky when it comes to tren useage. I don't get insomnia, night sweats, irritability. What I do usually get is an insane libido, temporary shortness of breath, and increased serum-creatinine.
  4. S

    When to add the gear?

    Sorry, bro. I thought I included that in my OP. 5'10", 197 lbs, 7% bodyfat.
  5. S

    When to add the gear?

    Feel good compounds? Which for you are the feel good compounds?
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    When to add the gear?

    What else do you need to know, buddy?
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    When to add the gear?

    I must be an atypical case, then. What you describe for bulking (deca and eq) are certainly textbook examples of a bulking stack. Yet, I've never gained a pound from them. Yet, tren has worked great for me for putting on size... particularly quality size. Referring specifically to EQ, I've...
  8. S

    When to add the gear?

    Rick, I must respectfully disagree here. I consider tren to be so powerful, it can be used for both bulking and cutting. It depends what else is being run with it. IMHO. As for cycle history... a lot. I couldn't even guess as to how many cycles I've run. I'm 37 years old. I'm really...
  9. S

    When to add the gear?

    I'm giving some thought to bulking again but I wanna keep lean. So, I'm going conservative and adding only about 0.5 lbs/wk. Also, the cycle I'm considering with this bulk is 300 mg/wk test enanthate (TRT), 50 mg/day tren, 50 mg/day anadrol. I'm currently at 2800+ calories/day and am increasing...
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    Hi Dylan, . I submitted an order last night to sarmsx but as of 11:50 am CST, my payment has...

    Hi Dylan, . I submitted an order last night to sarmsx but as of 11:50 am CST, my payment has not been deducted. Do you know why that is? Swole
  11. S

    We need a SARM-Steroid correlation chart

    I appreciate that, buddy. That video was very informative, told me exactly what I was looking for.
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    We need a SARM-Steroid correlation chart

    I've never entertained the idea SARMs are as powerful as AAS. If I believed they were, I'd have started them long ago.
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    We need a SARM-Steroid correlation chart

    Such a chart would match a given SARM with its anabolic steroid counterpart.
  14. S

    LGD only cycle

    I've been wondering if it would be a waste to run LGD being that I'm on TRT. From what you're saying, it doesn't sound as though it'd be a waste at all. Great feedback, buddy. Thanks!
  15. S

    LGD only cycle

    Ok nice! Two more questions: will there be any water retention? (I wouldn't imagine so). I'm also on 300mg/wk test as HRT. Knowing that, do you guys still stand by your original posts?
  16. S

    LGD only cycle

    Well, you guys have convinced me to buy from sarmsx. I know everyone here will tell me to stack them but I'm going to start with an LGD only cycle. I'd like to see the effects of some SARMs individually before I begin stacking them. Tell me what would be reasonable to expect from the standard...
  17. S

    Collective input

    Thanks for the input, buddy.
  18. S

    HCGenerate, TRT, and libido

    Yes, my doc has me on this dosage. Even though it might seem high, my test levels are normal, upper end of normal, but normal.
  19. S

    HCGenerate, TRT, and libido

    I take 300mg/wk testosterone as HRT. In spite of this, I sometimes still have trouble with low libido as a result of SSRIs. Will HCGenerate help with my sex drive in this circumstance?
  20. S

    Collective input

    sarms are best stacked, and those are just based on your question. Obvioulsy it's ideal to curtail a stack optimized to your goal. For example, if you were looking to Recomp LGD and S4 is an incredible combo. Also, is GW capable of burning bodyfat in the absence of a calorie deficit?
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