Ok. That explains a lot. I'm a medical doc so I totally get the cortisol control thing.
I'm done with my questions for now.
You've given me a running start on this.
Lemme research a little more,coz I'm obsessive about it.
Please do keep me posted if there are any special sales or discounts...
That sounds like a plan, bro.
I'm game for this.
Is it necessary to use GW as part of the PCT?
I've noticed you included it in the first cycle you had suggested as well as in this one.
What would it do as part of a PCT?
(In case you haven't noticed, I'm equally enthusiastic about a good PCT as...
Ok. That's a great option for me. Also, would LGD-4033 as a standalone be a good option? I've been reading your articles and watching videos, and LGD seems like it'll gain me some good mass too (without the fat loss though). I am wondering if I could stack LGD for mass and just ONE other SARM...
I want to put on muscle, plain and simple. I'm not very bothered about fat loss at the moment though fat loss is always welcome. I can lose fat later. I want to go Beast Mode, watch my diet and increase my lifts, so that I can put on muscle mass and fill out my tee.
That's it.
Wow! That's a quick and very very helpful response from both Dylan and Rick.
It seems I'll stick around this forum for keeps!
And yeah, my country has its fair share of 18 year old skinny idiots who want to go full-auto mode with PEDs the moment they get a gym membership,without even...
I just have finished my first year of gym.
Lost about 14 kgs of fat naturally at Gold Gym without any trainers or coaches and I'm looking to use SARMS now.
Here's my stats-
Age- 34
Sex- Male
Experience- 1 year 3 months of bodybuilding
Weight- 93 kgs
Height- 6 feet
Body type- Endo