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  1. D

    Tren and anadrol

    I just ran a cycle of Tren and Anadrol how long do I have to wait to run some more Anadrol and Tren how long of a break should I give my liver that's my question will a month be sufficient so I don't end up with liver damage?
  2. D

    CC's Next Level Log

    Can anyone tell me after running tren and anadrol how long of a rest do i need to give my liver before i can take some more is a month ok?
  3. D


    Damn im going to be fucking pissed if this shit is prohormons im talking sarms for the gact there not toxic on the liver i just came off a cycle and my liver need a break i will fuck myself up if this is prohormons i will find that dr huge and kill that mother fucker
  4. D


    And as far as yk11 goes I've watched your videos on the yk11 and yes you did say do not take absolutely more than 10 mg maybe stay at 5 mg this yk-11 has not been out long enough for there's been any studies done I would just like to know what is so horrible about it I've had feedback on...
  5. D


    If your going to tell me there not sarms then tell me what they are please
  6. D


    What are they then if there not sarms?
  7. D


    Im taking enhanced athlete sarms so if i drop the yk11 is the rest of the stack im talking ok then?
  8. D


    Hey Dylan I had some questions I was hoping you could help me with about sarms I'm taking 30 mg of the rad140 15 mg of the lgd-4033 10mg of the yk11 and 20 mg of the mk-2866 is this beneficial to me to be taking all for these at once and safe and also since I started taking the sarms my blood...
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