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  1. han2k10

    🌞 Roaccutane, Test Enanthate and Oral Winny for half the price 🌞

    Got 3+2(Bonus coins) of Test E. What a steal [emoji106]
  2. han2k10

    HGH levels

    That's IGF-1, not GH. GH levels at a certain hour don't matter. Your IFG-1 matches more or less quantity of GH you are taking. if tou do HGH all year around then it's ok, if you do HGH in cycles then you should look for 500+ IGF-1.
  3. han2k10

    Help with Cycle pls

    Hoy do you expect strength gains eating only 1.600 kcal? If you are cutting as it seems then you are ok if you are keeping current strength with such a calorie deficit.
  4. han2k10

    First test and deca cycle

    Yep, you're right. I recognize i was being very subjective because my first cycle was at 34 yo after 16 years being natty. 12 week Test+Deca+Winny(4 last weeks) and both the result and axis recovery were successful. I have learned that blood work test are an invaluable source of information and...
  5. han2k10

    First test and deca cycle

    [Duplicated post]
  6. han2k10

    First test and deca cycle

    If you have the info (at least the minimum to not mess the whole thing up from the start), if you know what to do and what no to do, and if you have the gear necessary if prolactin or E2 issues arises, then i see not problem of doing Test+Deca as first cycle.
  7. han2k10

    First test and deca cycle

    Reduce Test to 400 mg to lengthen the cycle Get 2 vials of Deca and frontload the first week. then jab 400 or 500 / week depending on you deca stockpile.
  8. han2k10

    Lipid Panel Results

    Red Yeast Rice (standarized at 10 mg monacolin K per capsule) is cheap and will keep you LDL and TG in check even with hard AAS cycles. For HDL you have 3 options: -Krill Oil (manufactured by Neptune) unlike Fish Oil is very effective but pricey. -Cardarine: ppar agonists are also effective for...
  9. han2k10


    As others said get a bloodwork done immediately. Meanwhile Nolvadex and Arimidex (its onset action is immediate unlike Aromasin wich takes around 1 week) won't do any harm.
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