Hi lads can you have a look at this for me and see is it okay. I could not get the female hormone panel test only the male one and I could only get that because my sister-in-law works in a hospital. The bitch that she is thought it would be funny to put me into a transgender clinic and...
All These are the videos that should be on YouTube – that No one else is putting out or gives a fuck about Well done Dylan.
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Ukbrolondon I get Products to Ireland no problem whatsoever mate and people here from the uk no problem either all the time.
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The people on this form are pretty hard-core some of them 20 years plus of steroid use if they say don't use DMP you don't use it. They don't personally know you but they are looking out for your best interest's. So listen to them. Or you're going to get seriously hurt to lose a few pounds. Just...
Getting bloods done
Where do you guys from Ireland or England get your bloods done.
I have been just going to the doctor to get mine done. But it is not the female hormone
Bloods test you guys in USA get done. Any suggestions welcome thanks