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  1. R

    Traveling to mexico

    If your staying at a hotel, ship it down before you go and pick it up at the front desk. works like a charm.
  2. R

    Test ace Crystal pieces

    put the vial in some hot water and then roll it around until the crystals dissolve
  3. R

    Who Likes Using a Preworkout Supplement?

    Depends which one you take. some are the equivalent of a cup of coffee while others will have u wired like u just smoked some meth out of a lightbulb lol
  4. R

    Last bit of help with my cycle!

    Looks good to me...
  5. R

    Tbol with Test?

    No it doesnt alter pct at all. You can use orals up to the day before u start pct
  6. R

    Rad 140

    Did he say you should always run something that isnt the same as test, but has similarities...Or did he say to always run test? Man up and shove a needle in your asscheek
  7. R

    Post Cycle for Winstrol

    We recommend you dont take winstrol only and step away from the steroids. NEVER RUN ORALS ONLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  8. R

    Gyno!!!!!! His name was Robert Paulson.
  9. R

    1st test only cycle

    Push it to 12 weeks... Some will say go higher, like 500mg, but start at 250 and go from there. And what do you mean +/- 12 pounds? Whats your goal here buddy?
  10. R


    You arent taking aromasin...enough said Plus youre not taking test so kiss all your gains goodbye Never start a cycle until you know what youre doing.
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    Tbol pm
  12. R

    100mg eod or 75mg ed

    So you want to be "big" but you cut to lose weight? Talk about counter productive. At 500mg of test, you should have been putting weight on, not losing. Get a new coach.
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    Pin site discomfort

    Even if you use the same site, you should not pin the same exact spot, or you will quickly develop scar tissue which is very hard and will hurt like a bitch if you try to pin there. I rotate clockwise at each spot. Also, inject slowly, leave the needle in for a few seconds even after you've...
  14. R

    When people have way to much time and money...

    Those guccis would go perfect with a punk rock ballerina halloween costume
  15. R

    Pct post anabolics cycle

    Oh should never use hcg during pct and you need nolvadex and clomid, not letrozole.
  16. R

    Need some guide on safe oral steroid

    your weight is 60 huh? go to and get yourself some sarms. You're not in the right shape for steroids, and you're way too young. Plus oral only cycles are the worst type of cycle you can possibly do, not the safest.
  17. R

    Protein Sources

    Venison is good. So is Bison and Elk.
  18. R

    Tbol and high blood pressure

    5'8 245 and only 11-12% bf? No offense, but you sure about that, or just guessing?
  19. R

    Question about mk-677

    Sure you didn't maybe tweak a muscle while working out? Happened to me a few years ago and I had numbness, especialy when I bent my arm or worked on the computer. Took a week off from the gym cuz I got nervous and it went away. Wasnt on MK either.
  20. R

    Home Gym Build on the cheap

    Nice setup. What the exact name of the one you bought? Theres a ton of home gyms on there, but some have really shitty reviews. I'm doing some remodeling and I'm pretty sure I can fit that.
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