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  1. S

    The TX Army (operation Evo takedown)

    Has anyone here heard about the berd pharma ugl Evo is making? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. S

    Requesting Advise on Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

    Is it essential to frontload? I hear it makes the effects much more pronounced. Planning on running 1g of it for 20 weeks, thinking about doing 2g the first week but I hear the sides are also more pronounced Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    I spent most of my life being a fat kid man haha putting away food is a benefit without a doubt Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Once I get my computer set up dude for sure brother Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    1 year and some months out cycle

    Shit man you are coming through for me! I haven't considered my prep cycle yet, didn't even think of the whole injection marks I usually just hit my quads. Might split up my gear but I feel like running tren on a bulk would be easier on me mentally than running it on a contest prep diet. Also...
  6. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    I like this, I'll do some research. I'm really excited with this insulin run, bought humalog because I feel like it'd be easier to use than the novolin I bought. What can I expect from it/how many ius did you get up to? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    1 year and some months out cycle

    I blast and cruise already, pct is not a concern. I'll see what to do I might shift around my drug protocol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    1 year and some months out cycle

    I'm in Illinois, how do I find that out? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    1 year and some months out cycle

    Yea I've been working with a coach, his names John Otis Hollywood. Are there places where I can specifically practice posing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    1 year and some months out cycle

    You're right on that, it is a question with way too many variables. I guess my question would be something along the lines of is it a realistic goal? Not running it for the year just 20 weeks, cycling something's like the peptides and slin. Suggestions on how to run the adex would be appreciated...
  11. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    This offseason is a big one for me. I want to switch over to bodybuilding and not physique. Will do a physique show if I'm more inclined to win when the time comes; I just find bodybuilding so much cooler haha. I'm cutting it up before my cycle, it's a hefty one, I'll list it here 20 weeks 1-20...
  12. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Will do man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Thanks for the welcome Rick, I've seen your name pop up a lot back in the day when I was googling all my research haha. I guess right now I was hoping for some critiques on my physique and how I'll be positioned for a bodybuilding show next year November Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Posting up some pictures of myself so I can get some feedback for being a year out, first pic is me contest prepping completely natty. Next ones are of me now, after gyno surgery Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Just looked at it, what the fuck he competes? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Lmao fuckin a+ analogy. I'll look out for him more, all I can do is read threads on Evo, just no longer can post. I know the guy that gets on my nerves the most is gear head. Guy acts like the guardian of all that's just. Don't get me started on the hush hush 100 posts fight club thing they've...
  17. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Pointless to lift heavy lol, I think he has threads and his proportions are all whack man. Only time I'm not gonna lift heavy is at the start of this cycle, I'm worried about my joints not being able to handle the weight increase, esp with tren and drol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    I see a ton of people with a problem with muskate. What's up with him? He doesn't sound like much, just keeps repeating out dated gear advice and n2sellproduct Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    I see you give them shit daily I love it. You put it nicely in a way they can't twist your words, I lol every time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. S

    1 year and some months out cycle

    Honestly they ban everyone. It's to direct sakes to certain sources and the mods probably get some kickbacks, that's my guess anyway Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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