Hi dobs
Hope you are doing well?
I ve tried so many sources (even the ones recommended here) w/o real effect (I am running marathons)
I have seen a quite good return from your posts. Could you please share w/ me your source?
Thank you so much
I read a lot and havé used 5 different sources after isarms
As I am an endurance Athlete I would like to have a concrete advice and return of experience
Thank you
I am in a preparation of a long trail event
I would like to stack again S4+GW
since the stop of isarms I did not find any top source
My last one was pharmaL for GW that was quite good for fatloss but very limited for endurance
Could you help for the best source to be delivered in europe...
It makes now 2 weeks I started ladypharma Gw 20mg every morning
I was wondering if I could go up as my goal is both cutting and endurance (race)
Thank you
There are lots lof approved sources
My question was a recommendation from Dylan for a top source-as I was pretty satisfied by gw from sarmsx before they closed
there was indeed a small sticke indicating W for GW and M for Osta. But given the horrible taste of the Yellow I am still wondering.
Can you tell me if you MK was OSTA, the color you have please?
Hi, i ordered 3 bottles from sarmsx : GW/OSTARINE/CLOMID
As I am in Europe, bottles were delivered without the labels (for custom reasons).
I am able to recognize GW : Pink
I thought Osta was blue (close to S4 Blue Green)
I thought Clomid was yellow.
When i tasted the clomid, it was confused...
Then you understand the context I hope
As my last s4 dose was 1st of April and I feel my libido low, what do you recommend?
I wanted to start an Ostarine cycle stacked w/ GW today, to recover from an tendon injury.
Do i do a mini clomid pct before or ?
Thank you for your advice
Dylan sorry for misunderstanding
I had initially one bottle of s4 and 2 of GW with one only key objective : prepare a marathon 4 weeks after the start of the cycle
I did it 4 weeks targeting my competition objective. Even in 4 weeks I saw a result
As half the bottle remains I finished it the...
I can take a little run of clomid (1 week?) and plan to start Ostarine in 1 or 2 weeks or run them in parallel ?
Other option: Ostarine to raise my level of testo ?