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  1. B

    Isarms prices

    For those interested I'll be starting a weekly cycle update as soon as I get on. Thank you all.
  2. B

    Isarms prices

    I agree I'll be buying them from sarmsx
  3. B

    Noobie that needs help

    Sorry guys I apologize I'm new to this and didn't realize the hassle I was causing won't happen again.
  4. B

    Isarms prices

    Yea that's true
  5. B

    Isarms prices

    I've done a lot of looking around for sarms on the internet lately and have noticed that isarms products are very expensive compared to the rest. I'm not saying this to be negative but I'd like some insight to why that is whether it be quality or other factors.
  6. B

    Ancillaries and PCT

    Thank you I appreciate that
  7. B

    Ancillaries and PCT

    Thanks Dylan I really appreciate it and also thank you for your videos they are by far the most informative out there.
  8. B

    Noobie that needs help

    I'm new to this whole forum thing. Earlier today I did a post concerning ancillaries and pct and have gotten no replies. Is this typical?
  9. B

    Ancillaries and PCT

    Ancillaries and PCT Hey Dylan, I'm about to begin a new cycle and I would like to be advised on the ancillaries and PCT for it as well as any suggestions for sarms during and post cycle. And feel free to critique my cycle and give suggestions. Test cyp 400mg 16 weeks Eq 800 mg 16 weeks Tren ace...
  10. B

    Ancillaries and PCT

    Ok will do. First off I'm a competitive power lifter and Olympic style weightlifter. 6'3 255 %14 bf. My goals for this cycle are to grow into the 275 weight class have a 450 bench 600 squat 600 deadlift and I wouldn't mind getting a bit leaner. My best lifts are 405 bench 550 squat 550 deadlift...
  11. B

    Ancillaries and PCT

    Hey guys, I'm about to begin a new cycle and I would like to be advised on the ancillaries and PCT for it as well as any suggestions for sarms during and post cycle. And feel free to critique my cycle and give suggestions. Test cyp 400mg 16 weeks Eq 800 mg 16 weeks Tren ace 400 mg 12 weeks Dbol...
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