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    Porn Star Jesse Jane Beats Up Boyfriend for Using Steroids

    Nice article. Its a womans world these days with all those "me too" movements. I wonder even by accident if the guy had acted in self defence, they would throw him instead of her.
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    Cycle help

    Thanks a lot for the advice. Do you think the liver protection is adequate. Also i am having the same problem @awm with posting.
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    Cycle help

    Thans @Pon. I did do labs. All was within normal limits except ldl 113 while hdl was 60. For this cycle I am adding cardinine, liv 52, methoinine, inonositol n choline. Supplementing with 4g fish oil per day. @Awm its my mistake for some reason i thought i used the wrong button to post a quick...
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    Cycle help

    36 yo. Had 8 previous cycles. But have been off for 2 yrs. The test deca dbol cycle was most recent one finished 3 m ago.
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    Cycle help

    I am 36 yo. Had run 8 cycles. Deca test dbol cycle was my most recent one 3 m ago. While i had been off cycle for 2 yrs before that one. Thanks @awm
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    Cycle help

    I am 5.9 wt 182.5 bf 15% My previous cycle was 12 weeks dbol , test , deca. Gained abt 10lb muscle. Lost about 5lb muscle after cycle.I am planning a new cycle for cutting using Anavar 50mg, test prop 100mg eod, proviron 50mg x 8 weeks 1. Should i decrease dose of any of the compounds esp test...
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