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  1. D

    Need help with pct after tren cycle !

    Thanks to everyone ! Drew
  2. D

    Need help with pct after tren cycle !

    I'm going to sound really dumb here but when you say for ex : clomid 50/50/25/25 What does that refer to - I'm just not used to reading dosages . Does that mean 50 mg clomid the first week , 50mg 2nd week , 25 mg 3rd week and 25 mg 4th week ? Or ?...... Is it referring to 50 mg each day the...
  3. D

    Need help with pct after tren cycle !

    Im just finishing up my first tren cycle .... I just did 8 weeks using 100 mg of tren ace , 100 mg test prop and aromasin 12.5 ( all those were every other day ) also caber .5 mg twice a week .... I need to know what dosage of clomid and nolvadex to take and for how long ? The nolvadex are 20...
  4. D

    Finishing up tren cylcle - need help with pct

    So I'm just finishing up my first tren cycle .... I just did 8 weeks using 100 mg of tren ace , 100 mg test prop and aromasin 12.5 ( all those 3 were every other day ) also caber .5 mg twice a week .... I need to know what dosage of clomid and nolvadex to take and for how long ? The nolvadex...
  5. D

    Questions about first cycle of tren

    would you suggest mixing the tren ace with the test prop ? to cut down on injections ? or should i do them separate - also is deltoid ok for both ? thanks again -
  6. D

    Questions about first cycle of tren

    Also what should caber cost ? The only option my source offers is : COBALT CABERGOLINE 0.5mg Manufacturer - COBALT CANADA $150 for 8 tabs !!! ( this seems insane to me lol) is this correct pricing or should I search elsewhere ? Always appreciated, D
  7. D

    Questions about first cycle of tren

    No I don't want mass ! I'm a big naturally . when I was 14 I was 6"0 200 lbs and in amazing shape . I had a scolership to university for swimming - so I know what training hard is all about . But as per the above question no I don't want to gain mass . I was to get lean and ripped muscle . I...
  8. D

    Questions about first cycle of tren

    Re : goals I guess now it's more a vanity thing
  9. D

    Questions about first cycle of tren

    No I've never take aromasin on previous test cycles . I have nolvadex but never took it cause I didn't see a point . I've been very lucky - sex drive has always been fine , really never any issues . But as you just said tren is rough . I don't want to take it and be all messed up after
  10. D

    Questions about first cycle of tren

    6"2 and about 235 currently - 31 . I've always run test Enanthate about 400 mg a week . Should I switch to test Ace while on tren ace ? Also regarding tren dosage what would you suggest - again I like to stay to the low end of dosages .. Same Regarding Caber and aromasin what would you...
  11. D

    Questions about first cycle of tren

    I've done some cycles over the past 4 years - I generally go 3-6 months on per year . I'm about to do my first tren cycle and wondering if anyone can suggest some things I need for on cycle and for pct . I have nolvadex but I understand that's not great to take on cycle ? Any help to make this...
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