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  1. H

    Pharmalady Shipping Option

    I have the May pricelist and it leads me to believe that DHL is the only shipping available to several countries including US... I plan to order and see what happens... I have done regular business with Pharmalady for about 5 years now and have only had a problem once but it was resolved...
  2. H

    Cabergoline Source Help

    Do some homework... I buy Cabaser 20 1 mg tabs of generic Cabergoline made by Upjohn from an online pharmacy in Europe... !/2 the price of what my usual source sells 8 Dostinex... Isn't the internet great!!!!!
  3. H

    Donating Blood (again)

    I have a question about blood donation. The endocrinologist I use for getting my testing done wants me to give blood once a month while I am on. The red Cross contacted me and said I could no longer donate blood because I show Hepatitus C anti bodies when they tested the last time I donated...
  4. H

    sober peoples!!!

    I had 3 years on sept 2. I really let myself go to shit after my 2nd divorce in 2011. Lost 52 lbs from May to Sept of '15 and gained 12 lbs muscle back since. I spend more time in the gym than meetings but I still hit meetings to help others and never forget where I came from.
  5. H

    server error

    I'm not sure what I did wrong yesterday but I got it to go through today. Sorry about that and Thanks
  6. H

    server error

    I was unable to complete an order from Pure Essence today. I repeatedly changed my password and kept getting kicked out as soon as I would try to checkout. Then when I tried to check out without accessing my account I got a server error message. I hope they realize their website is broke. It...
  7. H

    Calmer on AAS?

    I'm in week 14 of a 15 week dbol, test, and deca cycle. I played with the doses a little throughout the cycle and settled on 400 test 500 deca every week. I did a 3 week T3 cycle right in the middle and switched to GW after I tapered off the T3. Problem is the last 3 weeks I have been having...
  8. H

    Best source for pins

    I have been buying from Nipro 25Ga 1.5" The price was cheap but you have to buy like 25 or 50 min. They also sell sterile jars if you brew and bacterio water etc. They don't have syringe filters though (22Micron) I ended up getting them on Ebay
  9. H

    HCG after deca

    Let me start from the beginning. I have already been on 200 mg test cyp for 8 weeks before I started this cycle. I was doing .5 mg arimidex e3day. wk1 700 mg test cyp 500 mg deca 50 mg dbol ed .5 mg arimidex ed wk2 700 mg test cyp 500 mg deca 50 mg dbol ed .5 mg arimidex ed wk3 400 mg test cyp...
  10. H

    New Member

    Thanks for all the welcomes just received my order of GW. I had never heard of this stuff before so here goes, and off to the gym.
  11. H

    New Member

    Hi I am new here. I found this through Dylans videos on You Tube so I guess he referred me. I am 50 YO with various PED and AAS experience but had not done anything since the mid '90s. I let myself slide for a while after I retired from the Military and started getting the bug again a little...
  12. H

    HCG after deca

    Being that Deca is so long acting would it make sense to wait a few weeks after last pin to start HCG. I am in week 5 of 15 week cycle. Dbol 50mg ed X 20 days Test Cyp 400mg/wk Deca 500mg/wk I plan to start Nolvadex and SARMs after HCG
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