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  1. Cwrose1

    Tazz at 1-Stop Domestic Shop….. Amazing

    This was one of the most painless orders I have had. Everything was shipped on time and his customer service was top notch. I highly recommend!!!! Thanks again brother
  2. Cwrose1

    Low Dose tren; any point in it?

    Yep that works great .... I run 300-350 without issue
  3. Cwrose1

    HGH frag?

    Ok someone break this down.... HGH frag? What?s the skinny Dose and dosing sched? Starting a test e/ tren e/ mast cycle. I have run many cycles amd have all the ancillaries. Counting macros 50/30/20 split. Thinking about 10 weeks. I tolerate tren well .also running cycle support for liver/...
  4. Cwrose1

    Bulking on Tren.. appetite issues..

    Yeah bro I hear that about tren a lot.... fortunately I don?t have many issues with tren. I love tren personally.
  5. Cwrose1

    The edge with sarms💪😎 (

    I love SARMS... I?ve used them for years and now because of their sale. I have been forced to add S23, YK11, to my cutting cycle and purchase more GW amd today I pulled the trigger on 3 months of MK. I love S4Sbut I hate them... it?s only money right ???!! Lol
  6. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    That is the only compound I have never run.... Primo
  7. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    Masks aren?t required here either and with Covid the gym is almost empty... it?s great
  8. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    I love this post.... this is how it should be. I didn?t touch gear until I was 40ish and I spent about a year reading and learning before my first test cycle.
  9. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    I?ve run tren twice before and tolerate it up to about 12 weeks.... then I?ve had enough lol
  10. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    Ok final revision On my cutting cycle with sarms added 12 weeks Test E 400 mg Tren E 350 mg Mast E 600 GW 50156 20 mg ( split dose) YK11 10 mg ( possibly jump to 15 after a couple weeks) S23 20 mg ( split dose)
  11. Cwrose1

    Expired TBOL

    I would too!!! If you don?t want too I know a guy.... lol
  12. Cwrose1

    Customer Appreciation Week! 25% off the entire site!

    Correct plus 25% off??? I mean seriously lol
  13. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    Thanks bro! I?m excited and am looking forward to getting started. This will be my first run with enthanate ( tren) always ran the short esters too. Just waiting for the eagle to land lol And I am now also adding s23 to this ......this should be epic
  14. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    The only side I have ever had is headaches after about 12 weeks of tren. I can only run tren for about 12 weeks before not feeling well.
  15. Cwrose1

    Customer Appreciation Week! 25% off the entire site!

    I just ordered more GW.... I mean why not
  16. Cwrose1

    Customer Appreciation Week! 25% off the entire site!

    Damn ..... I just ordered two days ago. Never fails lol
  17. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    Yeah why not.... I?ll drop test to 400 and tren to 350 and bump the mast to 600. Sounds good
  18. Cwrose1

    Gyno scare

    Hopefully this is some ingrown hair or cyst..... prayers brother
  19. Cwrose1

    Stoked cutting cycle

    Will do brother
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