-Yeh I agree 8 weeks max with the var IMO at 40mg
-always run HGH min 6 months
- I wouldn't use ostarine during pct as it suppresses natural test
- run gw entire cycle IMO if you wanna lean out
Looks great otherwise bro well done & good luck
OK sweet.
Any Aussies here had any goods from her by any chance? (Should probably post in PharmaLady sub forum but welcome to the Aussie source section lol)
Thanks for the hot tip, I know Pharmalady has a brilliant range of products and great prices but the thought of customs seizing your gear is a dreadful. I will enquire again unless something locally comes up. I can't afford to burn $500us if something goes wrong with an international order. :(
Hey guys sorry to sound like a pest but I'm looking for a little help with finding a domestic Australian source for HGH, oils etc
The forums current sources have been EXTREMELY helpful & have had received great products from PE & Hipo; but getting HGH or oils past Aussie customs is awfully...
The other day I just ordered some noopept from powder city and some other pre- workout essentials, great prices. I'll keep you all up to date with the quality of the merch. Although I'll be waiting for my package as I'm in Australia...
Hey gang,
Just wondering where European pharmaceuticals went off to ?
I ordered some Albuterol off them and its great stuff, packaging was also very smart :)
Comms was great and price very competitive
Was going to order some more items but i cannot seem to see them as a listed sponsor...
Ordered me some albutetol from Euro pharm and have heard some advantages about stacking it with ketotifen... Any thoughts ? Or dosage suggestions
Cheers guys
Hey guys,
I watched another one of Dylans brilliant informative vids about Proviron.
Now i KNOW that its usually stacked with the usual AAS suspects (test etc) BUT in the Proviron Video he did mention the keyword SARMS (s4)...
as it helps with the binding of the androgen receptors.
Thanks for saving my testicles once again Dylan :D
Appreciate you looking out for my health & hope this helps many other people.
Get my PE recomp stack tomorrow SO PUMPED! I have a couple questions on what to stack with it, but that'll go in the SARMs section.
I will be loggin my results...
Dylan... I'm an AUSSIE MATE! from "down under"... You know "G'Day cobber!" as in crocodile Dundee as in "throw a couple shrimp on the barbie!" :lol:
meanwhile back at the ranch..
The potassium supplement i take as its what you suggested in your HGH video, i DO NOT eat fruit (sugar) so...
Hey Gang.. allow myself to introduce my...self...
Been following/reading/watching Dylan & RickRock around other forums for a while now & very happy to see a SOLID/TRUSTWORTHY foundation of information here.
I'm 32, 5'10'', 170pounds, 18% BF, situated in South Australia and been lifting for...