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  1. F

    Test E, Proviron and Turinabol [Questions]

    Ah, silly me. Forgot to mention. Current stats are 6'0, 85kg/187lbs as for my body fat %, I don't know it exactly but I'd assume it's somewhere between 12-14%. I'm still in the process of slowly cutting as much body fat as I can naturally. Almost all of it is around my hips/waist/lowerback...
  2. F

    Test E, Proviron and Turinabol [Questions]

    What do you guys think of this? It will be a first cycle... Test E - Standard long ester, don't want to have to pin too often Turinabol - Little to no aromatization, retainable gains, generally well tolerated with few sides Proviron - Excellent libido booster, improves concentration/memory...
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