So having some pretty bad shoulder pain. I haven't had any symptoms of suppression so far. Should I get bloods done now instead of at the midpoint to check e2 levels and see if estrogen suppression is the reason for my joint pain. Or just lighten the weight I'm lifting and wait until midpoint of...
Appreciate it I'll give updated 1 week stats today. I have a question about cycle length and dosage i had planned on staying at 20mg rad 10mg lgd first 4-5 weeks and bumping up to 30&15 last 4-5 weeks. 8 wks total. I see alot of people prefer 12wk cycles. My question at what point do you see...
Well I'm a week into rad and lgd so i don't wanna drop the rad for s4 and start changing up compounds. But I'll definitely look into it down the road as a recomp stack
Okay so hmg post cycle to kick start lh and fsh. That's actually one of my biggest issues with sarms is the lack of transparency on authentic sarms. I understand it is a risk. So for pct.
Nolva: wks 1-2 40mg wks 3-4 20mg
Clomid: wks 1-2 50mg wks 3-4 25mg
Hmg: daily at 75iu wks 1-2
So you'd stick with the compounds i have now just ensure clean diet, throw in some cardio, and keep caloric level at maintenance. Sounds like i would've been better off going without the lgd and sticking with rad or ostarine and recomping. Bc i do agree I'm a fan of lean ripped look.
Why not bulk from 12% I don't believe in dirty bulks. So when i say bulk it's not McDonald's every day. It's just increase in calories from my normal sources. Chicken breast, lean beef, salmon and on leg and back day increase carb intake. On a bulk I'll keep bf% lower than 15. Once this 8wk...
Thank you for your reply I've read alot of the other forums and you're the one I'd prefer the advice from. Don't sugarcoat anything if you see me fucking up tell me. I won't argue with you about it. The most I'll do is ask you the reasoning behind it so I can learn from it.
Okay well I was definitely going to have post labs done just wasn't sure if it was also beneficial to have mid cycle labs done. But i guess since it's not exogenous test I would be able to get accurate labs done during cycle.
Can you tell me why the hcg is not necessary I'm not trying to...
Starting a bulking sarm stack. I originally had bought sp mass research which was no one's fault but my own. I had planned a lgd, rad, mk-677 8 week cycle and when buying noticed sp mass research combined them and also had yk-11. My original understanding of yk-11 was just a myostatin inhibitor...