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  1. D

    High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

    Yeah, Bleed I just stopped completely. I felt like shit on the letro. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. D

    High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

    RickRock I've been on prescription TRT 200mg a week for almost a year. The dr put me on letro 2.5mg a week but that just made me feel awful. So I stopped and just did the test Cyp alone for 2 months did my blood work and got those results. So dr put on 1mg a week of arimidex. But I think that...
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    High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

    Cbbram, you're right my test levels should be higher especially running the 200mg of Cyp a week. But I need my estrogen under control and I'm sure the test levels will rise. I just need guidance on how to Lower that estrogen, like a previous post advised to take aromasin. I'm going to check it...
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    High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

    I'm on the real high of the estrogen levels. Need to get this shit under control. Scared I might be turning into a bitch. My E2 is 44 pg/ml which is high by a couple of points. My estrogen is at 701. I'm thinking it's the conversion of test to estrogen not being controlled.
  5. D

    High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

    Currently on TRT 200mg of Cyp a week, divided in two shots. Did my blood work a week ago and my estrogen levels are 701 pg/ml and test levels are 317. Dr prescribed 1mg a week of arimidex. Would that dosage help and should I add any other drug/supp.
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