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  1. MrClark518*

    Deca 8 months later

    Well said. Everyone’s body is different. I was even reckless one cycle and didn’t use caber with deca. 500ml a week. Had no problems. Smashed my ole lady as usual on the daily Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady comes thru!!!

    I gotta get couple more deca and cialis.. thanks again. Always solid Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady comes thru!!!

    I gotta grab some more deca and cialis. Thanks again for everything CBBRAM. Always solid Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady comes thru!!!

    PL came through yet again and even faster than ever. Bump for a solid source lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady comes thru!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. MrClark518*

    Did I inject too high in glute?

    Happens all the time to me. I just send her home. Just press your alcohol pad on the site as soon as u pull out so u don’t lose the oil.. try delts and quads to give that ass a break. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. MrClark518*

    Deca 300 kicking hard

    Week 3??? Well I guess everyones body reacts different. I’m usually 5-6 weeks before noticing anything. But her gear is always legit for me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. MrClark518*

    Need some recent reviews

    The gear is top notch. Customer service is as well. Tazz is the man. Shipping to the states takes a little time due to over seas and customs. But the gear is worth it! I gained 28lbs on their test and dbol my first cycle with them. Had some serious gains and strength. You can’t go wrong with...
  9. MrClark518*

    PharmaComStore Thanksgiving Promotion (Extended)

    Nice!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. MrClark518*

    Good News... ALL VIDEOS WILL BE RETURNING... Read to find out...

    Good stuff bro.. will be tuned in as usual Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. MrClark518*

    Help to get my Youtube channels back... Learn How Here!

    Wtf? I was wondering why you weren’t posting any vids anymore. This shit is outta control. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram ect... can’t post shit anymore smfh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady comes thru!!!

    Shit I over use it.. I use it to destroy the ole lady and to give me good pumps at the gym. Gets that blood flowing. Other than that I don’t need it. Not even for the deca.. but it’s always nice to have around lmao Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady comes thru!!!

    Bout time I re-up on her cialis! I only have 2 left! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. MrClark518*

    Test Deca Anadrol cycle

    Me personally.. I would up it. 250mg twice a week. Deca is ok to start off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. MrClark518*

    Steroidify Main Thread

    With any source.. you have to be patient. Esp with one over seas. I've had domestic sources even take 2 weeks. Pharmacom is a legit company. They just take a little bit for TD. But you have to be patient with all orders/sources. It took Pharmacom around 14-17 days to TD here on the east coast in...
  16. MrClark518*


    Again? Damn. It's tough to keep a good priced/gear domestic source now a days. It's either late shippings or no communication. I finally got ahold of one of the best domestic sources on here who shut down but he's only doin limited oils for friends, but I can't complain though cause bloods are...
  17. MrClark518*

    Considering tren ace

    Ever hit a vein during a pin? That cough u get is very similar. Don't forget about the night sweats too lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady Modafinil

    Hahahhaa gotta with all the emails she gets Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady Platinum Biotech Caber

    Kewl. I'm doin my list right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. MrClark518*

    Pharma Lady Platinum Biotech Caber

    Tell her to save me some for fridays order lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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