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  1. MasonicBodybuilder

    Different test esters

    No material difference between the E and C esters.
  2. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log New Cycle RCS sarms Log

    Looking good man!
  3. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved RCS Labor Day Sale For Everyone Coming Soon

    This is an amazing rare RCS sale! Make sure you guys take advantage and come back here to post what goodies you got!
  4. MasonicBodybuilder

    First cycle

    LGD at 10g is already the PED dose so I would keep that the same. I would definitely get the GW to 20mg and the SR to 20-30mg.
  5. MasonicBodybuilder

    Next cycle

    For PCT, check out the sticky on forums called "The Perfect PCT Simplified".
  6. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Umbrella Labs Capsules Pictures!

    Packaging is clean! And we already know the product inside the bottles is the best you will find!
  7. MasonicBodybuilder

    New member

    Awesome to hear man. I am a fan of Eagle Rare too. Have had plenty of Buffalo Trace but never had the chance to try Blantons. Not very common where I live and I am definitely not paying secondary market prices, lol. Out of BT, I would say my favourite so far is Weller Red. I like the...
  8. MasonicBodybuilder

    10mg ostarine for 4 months

    You want to run Ostarine at 25mg per day. And no reason to every run test with a SARMs stack as a "base". Just not needed.
  9. MasonicBodybuilder

    New member

    Welcome aboard! Is your username in reference to the bourbon Eagle Rare? It is kind of a hobby for me, lol.
  10. MasonicBodybuilder

    3 meals a day

    It's not about the number of meals but the quality of the food you are eating.
  11. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Umbrella Labs MK-677 and many others back in stock!

    That is awesome news! Glad to see these all available again.
  12. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Umbrella Labs MK-677 and many others back in stock!

    That is awesome news! Glad to see these all available again.
  13. MasonicBodybuilder

    Cortisone and Sarms?

    It all depends on if the injuries are going to prevent you from going 100% on the cycle or not.
  14. MasonicBodybuilder

    TC6N experience

    Definitely not worth using with those side effects.
  15. MasonicBodybuilder

    SR9009 Timing?

    I prefer using it a few hours before training vs taking it throughout the day. Really depends on your goals.
  16. MasonicBodybuilder

    What's the deal with MK677?

    Hopefully we see it back soon. Love me some Nutrobal.
  17. MasonicBodybuilder

    Planning next cycle

    I like the stack. I would add primo at 500mg per week but leave the test alone. That will keep the sides down and likely no need for an AI.
  18. MasonicBodybuilder

    SARM newbie hybrid cycle ?

    Sounds like a good plan. The key will be to stick with our approved sources so you know you get legit products. I recommend RCS and Umbrella Labs. Make sure you come back and keep us updated.
  19. MasonicBodybuilder

    TRT and Arimidex

    If you are needing an AI on TRT then your test dose is too high. Get the dose down to where your test is still in the normal to upper normal level but your estrogen is still in line.
  20. MasonicBodybuilder

    Canceling water retention

    If you are running legit SARMs, you have nothing to worry about with water retention. Just focus on keeping the diet clean.
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