I'm using test Enanthate to increase my test levels and was looking at hgh as a complementary addition but unsure at what dose its worth it. I don't think I'm very good at explaining myself sorry. (and thanks for all the reply's)
I'm 29, body fat around 17% I've been training for 9 years. I do Muay Thai and kick boxing, I've seen people over the years do different things and since i no longer compete i wanted to see how i feel on ped's. I have a few persistent injuries I'm hoping it will help with but that wasn't my...
Thanks for the videos they're really interesting. I'm looking at taking hgh, my main problem is the cost and I'm unsure on the dosing. What the minimum effective dose is, or how high the levels in your blood need to be to achieve benefits that would justify the cost. Eg if the average is 5ng/ml...