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  1. P

    Cycle Help

    Thank you for the information, it will very much help when I do start. Also, I will be injecting every 5 days instead of 7 days and will get blood work done mid and post cycle. How much will I be expected to gain from this cycle alone doing everything that's stated above? Will I blow up full of...
  2. P

    Cycle Help

    1) I did blood work before my first cycle and afterwards and everything is back to normal. 2) I have never took deca or dbol. 3) The reason i'm not taking a complete cycle support like you said is, beacuse i already have the supplements I originally planned. 4) I was either thinking about...
  3. P

    Cycle Help

    I have done one steroid cycle in the past which was Sustanon 250 dosed at 300mg for weeks 1-5 and weeks 6-12 I increased the dosed to 500mg. I was pinning every Sunday and completed a full PCT. I am wanting to do another cycle while eating 4,500 clean calories, one cheat meal a week, intense...
  4. P

    Sustanon 250

    I completely understand and respect both of you guys reply and knowledge. I'm 21 with 'ok' test levels and a extremely high metabolism system. I've been eating every 3 hours chicken breast, rice, and greens each meal for months. I saw very little progress doing this. I wanted to start a cycle...
  5. P

    Sustanon 250

    I am wanting to start my first steroid cycle. I am 6'0 at 145 pounds with 9% bodyfat. I am going to do 1 CC of Sustanon 250 every Sunday for 10 weeks. I am wanting to know what do i need to take for on cycle support and PCT? With taking 1 CC once a week is that going to be effective? I found on...
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