Thank you bro. I look forward to working with you. I think that a Test base is the best way to get back on track. As of 3 months ago my fitness coach of 10 years passed away from heart failure at the age of 55, which was a major blow to the entire body builder community in my area...
Thanks for the feedback Dylan. The only reason I asked for advice in the first place is because I know it was going to be strait forward answer. So its appreciated. I am by no means intent on moving forward with this, however it is hard for me to wrap my head around having signifigant...
Wow. Congrats on getting angry at this man. I think you are mistaken by what my post is asking, which is for advice. Like I said before access to Test is currently unavailable or it would be ran alongside dbol as recommended by the bodybuilding community. If Nolva at 40/40/20/20 a week isn't...
Yeah I hear yuh. So what are your thoughts on running a low dose as described in original thread regarding sides. The "something is better than nothing" with nolva on hand and proper liver care supplements seems like it could produce some good results, if anything an increase strength/gains.
Hello Dylan,
Quick question about your Dbol only cycle video. In the instance that a person does not have access to test but does have the proper PCT being Nolva for a Dbol only cycle. Wouldn't a typical bodybuilder say that something is better than nothing if ran at a low dose of 20mg a day...