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  1. D

    LDG + S4 (w/ M1 MK) stack log.

    Great journal 👍🏼
  2. D

    Blood work

    I said that as I didn't get the comprehensive one before I started. Should I just stick with the same test for this cycle or switch to a comprehensive test? Even though I don't know what free test levels etc where pre cycle
  3. D

    Blood work

    So would getting a comprehensive test half way though my course be pointless now? What would be my options at this point test wise?
  4. D

    Blood work

    So whst test is best suited to get half way through my course?
  5. D

    Blood work

    That one mate
  6. D

    Blood work

    What company did you use?
  7. D

    Blood work

    How can you tell mate? Did you use this company?
  8. D

    Blood work

    Yep', is that all that can be interpreted from the result is all I'm asking really.
  9. D

    Blood work

    I loaded a pic but it needs a mod to check it apparently
  10. D

    Blood work

    OESTRADIOL range 41 to 159 TESTOSTERONE range 8.64 to 29
  11. D

    Blood work

    Hi everyone, just had my blood checked before trying my first sarm cycle. These are the results OESTRADIOL 30 pmol/L TESTOSTERONE 24.5 pmol/l I'm assuming this is free test levels. They said the OESTRADIOL was below the normal range. Can anyone give me anymore advice on these figures? First...
  12. D

    Advice please

    Got my blood results, can anyone give me some feed back on what I can take from these results? I'm quite surprised to have low oestradiol and higher test naturally as I have all my hair, plus my grandad had black hair till he paswd on his 80's. I assumed this was maybe due to low test lol.
  13. D

    Advice please

    Hi guys, just wanted your thoughts on my blood results, got them back today. I can see the result as in the female hormone oestradiolis out of range, can anyone give me any feed back on what this means for running sarms? I take I don't need to worry about suppression so much?
  14. D

    Advice please

    Thanks buddy, got my med kits coming to check male and female hormones before beginning, also have an aromatase inhibitor enroute just in case. 👌👌
  15. D

    Advice please

    Hi guys, I'm looking at then blood test site and wondering what the correct test would be?
  16. D

    Advice please

    Thanks very much for that info Sean, appreciate it. 👍
  17. D

    Advice please

    Hi Dylan, thanks for your reply, I'm in the UK and blood work doesn't appear to be as common a practice over here. I'm sure mistakes where made for sure. Would it advicable to use sarms at all without bloods tests being carried out? I thought running arimidex in parallel might minimize the...
  18. D

    Advice please

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice if anyone knowledge has a minute. A bit of back ground is I've been doing weights since I've been 18, I'm now 38. Back when I was 18 a supp shop sold me M1T, I had no clue back then, and there was no Internet to help. Fast forward to 25 I tried it again, I got...
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