This makes sense cuz I feel like shit most of the day and erections aren?t what they use to be. So if I can?t trust blood work on estrogen what do I go by?
Dylan yes I checked all those and shbg was low, test at 2000 and 800 free test
Hello guys. So I?ve been taking Masteron prop for going on 3 weeks. I?ve read about the sides on here and honestly I haven?t experienced any, not even increased libido, if anything I feel like my libido has gone down.
I?m taking:
Test cyp 300 a week
Tren Ace 300 a week
Mast Prop 300 a week...
Thank you that makes sense. Now something I?ve never heard before is running estrogen high being beneficial. Why is this? Usually libido is affected when this happens
So I know this might sound dumb but how do you lower progesterone? Aromatizar inhibitors lower estrogen, caber lowers prolactin now what lowers progesterone?
I did everything was fine. I feel ok I do sometimes feel lethargic on days I don?t take Aromasin so I was thinking maybe because of the spike in estrogen and prolactin I feel that way. I have to take like a shot of coffe or preworkout to get going. So what exactly does the gw501516 do for my...
Hello Guys,
Currently on:
Test 300mg a week
TrenA 300mg a week
MastP 300mg a week
Aromasin 1 tablet 25mg eod
Did some blood work and I?m concerned about prolactin (obviously need caber) progesterone and Estradiol. Should I increase my Aromasin to 1 a day? Is there any other thing I can take...
I ordered and followed instructions and just like they said is how I got my package. They said 7 business days and got it in 6 business days. Package was very discreet, fast to respond and very polite. I look forward to seeing my results. I will share what I feel and how gains come along.
Hello guys. My wife has been on Anavar before and really not seen massive strength gains or definition. She?s been off right now and currently in pretty good shape. We are considering having her take 15mg if Test 1 a week and 30mg of masteron every 3 days and include winni. Is this a good cycle...
Hello guys just wanted to check and see if anyone has experienced this before. My test via shows this weird like dust like material in the bottom of the vial. I?ve posted a pictures.
Hello everyone so I started a cycle about 6 weeks ago. I?m on:
Test 300 a week
Tren 400 a week
Anavar 30g a day
Hcg 1400iu a week
I have noticed I am a lot leaner then when I started but don?t realize or can?t get any strength gains. I?ve been on point on my diet, even cut out carbs to o my...
What body fat % should I be at before I run something? I ran test HGH, Clen and Anavar before and saw fat come off pretty quick. I was at like 20% body fat and got down to like 13% then I gained it back over the holidays 😆