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  1. J

    Great Results with Super Stack!

    Hey guys, haven't posted for a while, but just ordered the Superman Stack based on the awesome results with the Superstack (LGD, S4, GW, and Osta)--and realized I hadn't reported anything. My primary mode of training is CrossFit, but include some separate strength work, and wanted to note some...
  2. J

    GW - Time it Takes to Realize Full Benefits?

    Oh btw, I've bumped S4 to 75mg, no vision issues. I noticed a little issue with night vision on 50mg in the first few days--partly because I have 20/10 vision and it seemed to be a tiny bit fuzzy. But it passed quickly and since then, vision has been the same as normal, not even a yellow tint...
  3. J

    GW - Time it Takes to Realize Full Benefits?

    Thanks for the feedback guys. @RickRock: yes to answer your question--I do CrossFit at least 3x per week, so there's an MetCon/endurance push each time. So I'm definitely doing cardio and I do seem to notice a boost the recovery part (as you noted), especially because a lot of CrossFit time...
  4. J

    GW - Time it Takes to Realize Full Benefits?

    Hey Dylan/Adrenaline Team, So I started the super stack cycle nearly three weeks ago. I've seen some impressive strength gains (been pretty much PR on every lift, every time)--and my size/body composition is improving as well. I was weak, so it's easier to PR... but still, going from 150 or so...
  5. J

    Super Stack +

    Hey guys, I got the stuff...awesome. Question: is it okay to just mix all 4 (in the right amounts for each) into a glass of water and chug it down. Or should they be taken in separately with maybe 5-10 mins in between each one for better absorption. Let me know and thanks for all the help...
  6. J

    Super Stack +

    Sure, thanks man.
  7. J

    Super Stack +

    Ok. where is trusted source for Clomid? Had to know who is lying online... that's why I'm here, trust :)
  8. J

    Super Stack +

    Awesome! Also, what is the ideal PCT post Super Stack for 12 weeks... Assuming N2BM stuff is out, so let me know what is recommended for after as well... thanks dudes.
  9. J

    Super Stack +

    Thanks bro, I tried to PM you but maybe I don't have enough posts for that to work.
  10. J

    Super Stack +

    Awesome, thanks for the help guys. It's weird, my body fat has been stubborn even though my cardio and lifts have been going up steadily--in some ways my cardio has become elite (rowing/runs), and can't imagine how good it will be with GW. Stoked for that! I'm currently at 19-20% BF, and...
  11. J

    Super Stack +

    Question about the Super Stack on Pure Essence (GW-501516, S4, LGD-4033, Mk 2866): How does it fit within the Gemelli Triple Stack Protocol? Any modifications? Also, would it be possible to add mk-677 to that same stack for GH benefits, and not see any issues? That is 5 different things at...
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