Just want to make sure I shouldn't hop off cycle or make any changes.
Bloods pre-cycle showed test 600 ng/dl and after 4 weeks it has dropped to 322 ng/dl which is still within range for a healthy male.
I'm 22, 12% bodyfat, 175lbs. Am I fine to remain on LDG (10mg/day) & S4 (75mg/day)?
I’m looking to start running MK-677 but can’t find it on esarms. Is there an alternative source anyone can recommend. I’ve been looking at umbrella labs so far but would be open to other suggestions as well.
Hey Dylan, hoping to get the discount code! Also just a quick question about my first SARM cycle. Is it better to start off with only one SARM (Rad 140 or LGD4033), or can I use two (S4 &LGD 4033). Thanks for the help!
What's up guys, pretty new here and looking for advice.
I'm looking to start my first SARM cycle in about a month. I am currently thinking I want to take RAD 140 on an 8-12 week cycle. Is this too harsh of a SARM for a first cycle? Am I better off starting with MK-2866 or LGD 4033? Also, should...