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  1. B

    Super mandro

    How keepable are the gains from 1-andro or just prohormones in general
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    Super mandro

    I wasn't planning on buying it I was just wondering what the side effects were because my friend got huge and extremely vascular from this stuff. He's only 18 tho so hopefully he doesn't Have shut down
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    Super mandro

    I never said pros use it Lmfao I said it is in many pros as in pro-hormones... and I'm not going to use it, I was asking for information of why not to use it to warn my friends
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    Super mandro

    But why? Why is it so much worse than any other prohormones? 1-andro is in many pros. I'm just just wondering because more of my friends are starting to take this product because it's non androgenic and methylated so they think it's not bad for you, but if it is i want to steer them away from...
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    Super mandro

    No one really answered me question haha
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    Super mandro

    He got sick before he started his cycle and lost a bunch of weight and gained it back within of a week so he realistically probably put on 8 to 10 pounds
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    Super mandro

    what are your thoughts on super mandro? (1-Androstoerone and Bergamottin) two of my good friends are taking it and have already put on 15 pounds of lean muscle and are extremely vascular and it's only been a month. I'm not going to take it because it's a prohormone but what are the sides of...
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    I've spent countless hours stressing over which brand to buy from because no matter where I look...

    I've spent countless hours stressing over which brand to buy from because no matter where I look everyone says the same thing that all sarms are fake besides their brand which I highly doubt is the case but I don't want to risk it because I've already gone down that path last year when I took...
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    Why did my thread get deleted

    Thank you guys I appreciate it
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    Why did my thread get deleted

    I did purchase mk-677 but I read some bad reviews about sarmsx that's why I was asking because I want to make sure it's real
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    Why did my thread get deleted

    It's all good but can someone please answer this question? I really want to buy sarms from sarmsx but I don't know who to trust because every company says the same thing that their sarms are real and every other company is fake so it's hard to tell who to trust. So I guess what I'm asking is how...
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    Why did my thread get deleted

    So why did it get deleted?
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    Why did my thread get deleted

    I forget exactly because the the thread is deleted but I made a post asking how to tell if mk677 was or fake
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    Why did my thread get deleted

    Can someone tell why my thread got deleted? All I did was ask a question
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    First post

    Oldmanchill make your own thread
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    First post

    And it's safe to stack both of these secretagogues at the age of 20 right?
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    First post

    How long should I run anamorelin for?
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    Huperzine A and mk-677

    Will supplementing huperzine A with mk-677 increase the effects?
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    First post

    Hi, I just purchased mk677 from sarmsx and was wondering if I could stack anamorelin with it for greater results, which is a selective agonist of the ghrelin/growth hormone secretagogue. I was thinking about taking anamorelin before my workouts and mk 677 before bed. What are your thoughts?
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