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  1. T

    Injecting peptides ?

    Yes I'm a newb to insulin suringes, but it seems when I'm loading peptides into my suringe, when I draw back the plunger to fill my dose, the plunger continues to draw back on its own when I take my finger off it. Am I supposed to keep my finger on the plunger at all times to keep it from...
  2. T

    Storing ostarine

    Where is the best place to store Ostarine, fridge, freezer, or in the dark at room temp?
  3. T

    Osterine and surgery

    Will I experience testicullar atrophy on mk2866?
  4. T

    Osterine and surgery

    These oxy are Tylenol free..anyways what's the best brand of the ostarine Sarmsx? Or SARM1?
  5. T

    Osterine and surgery

    I have not purchased yet, so what is the best/purest brand of SARM, also I am on low doses of oxycodone, tramadol, Tylenol, and aspirin, is that safe to combine?
  6. T

    Osterine and surgery

    Hey guys I just had surgery for a fractured patella. I am an active guy. I was wondering if it would be logical to run a low dose of ostarine to help me recover from surgery and prevent muscle wastage. What are your thoughts? I will also be lifting a bit of upper body until my leg heals.
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