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  1. T

    Sarm delivery

    It only looks like some bubbles after I shake it. Other than that, it looks pretty much completely clear, no floaters or anything. I've read other suspension issues here on the forum's where there were visible floaters so It doesn't look like anything was separated, but I'm not entirely sure...
  2. T

    Sarm delivery

    What should I be looking for, for heat damage?
  3. T

    Sarm delivery

    So, following up on my post a few days ago... I was waiting on some mk2866 and it was expected Monday. I went out for the day on Saturday, and it had been delivered... Great news, right? Well, hopefully... See, the problem is that it was unbearably hot yesterday, around 96, and even hotter...
  4. T

    Cycle question

    Awesome, good to hear. Thanks so much
  5. T

    Cycle question

    I was sort of hoping that would be the case, I really don't wanna stop early I'm really liking it
  6. T

    Cycle question

    So, based on the advice in my last lost, despite my buddys great track record with the other Co. I decided to ditch and grab another bottle of osta from Es. Only problem is, it won't come until Monday... I have like maybe 2 doses left, maybe. More likely one... With such a short halflife, I...
  7. T

    Ostarine results

    Ok, clearly there's been a misunderstanding lol. I'm certainly not insinuating anything, on your part, or the forum's. As far as the review bot thing, I was explaining how it's difficult for a first-timer to find reliable sources, because of that issue, which is a legitimate issue. However, that...
  8. T

    Ostarine results

    Thanks for the replies, guys. To be fair, I won't read reviews hosted by a competitor. That's a bit out there for me. Regardless, it hasn't been opened yet so how good or bad they are isn't really the issue here lol. It would be easy enough to swap a bottle for a bottle, that's the last...
  9. T

    Blood work for ostarine

    Pretty much everything you can, is your best bet. Ask your doc to make sure you're totally healthy, and they'll run a bunch of really good stuff. Also, be sure to ask for what you want and be clear why you want it. Make sure your Dr. Includes test, free test and your estrogen.
  10. T

    Ostarine results

    Esarms and Proven, as I've heard great things from Es and proven posts batch tests. Proven is only 30 days tho, so that's my 8-12
  11. T

    Ostarine results

    Sup guys, I'm going to apologize right off the bat for this book. But anyway quick background I started lifting around 10 years ago probably a hundred and thirty pounds and I've been full natty all the way up to around 6 weeks ago. I've been training for about 10 years, five of which were...
  12. T

    Sarms dosing question

    Noted, I will definitely make that change, thanks. The crazy part is I've been taking it like this for weeks now, and this is the first issue. Do NOT want a repeat, however lol. Thanks for the tip.
  13. T

    Sarms dosing question

    I usually eat not too long after, but after today I'll definitely eat significantly closer to dosing. Jeesh, what a violent reaction lol. Not fun, good learning experience. Thanks for the help, guys.
  14. T

    Sarms dosing question

    Will do, thanks boss
  15. T

    Sarms dosing question

    Just dosed 1ml/25mg mk 2866 about 15 minutes ago, and literally just puked everywhere. Is redosing advisable?
  16. T

    High shbg

    Appreciate the responses, y'all.
  17. T

    High shbg

    I just had my blood work done and everything looks really good, other than phosphate and glucose being about a point out of range on the high side. My test came back 608, which is actually in the average healthy range for my age. My concern, though, is my shbg and free test. @10-50nmol/L...
  18. T

    First sarms cycle

    Sounds good, thank you for your time. Not only here, but everything you do for the online community. Big fan of your channel. Thanks again.
  19. T

    First sarms cycle

    What's up guys, first post and first time using any "non-natty" supp. A little background, I guess. I'm 29, and have been lifting for the last 10 years, the most recent 4 of which have been very on and off. At my biggest, I was 5'10" about 175, relatively lean. It's hard for me to put on...
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