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  1. R

    Opinion on this cycle?

    Done mostly sarms but did do test e and dbol before! Diet is good! 6 good loaded meals! Worked out for 3 years Goal is to compete and what do you mean if the fat is higher. Thank you.
  2. R

    Opinion on this cycle?

    So here's my cycle Weight 180 Height 5'3 I'd like to know if it makes any sense regardless the body type. (Week 1 to 5) Test e: 150mg ED Eq: 100mg EOD Mast e: 100mg EOD Dbol: 40mg ED Tren a: 50mg ED Anavar : Aromasin: 25mg E3D Hgh: 5IU ED (Week 6 to 10) Test e: 150mg ED Eq: 100mg EOD Mast e...
  3. R

    Reputable source for gear?

    Anyone know of a reputable source where I could get gear? Thank you
  4. R

    New to gear

    Alright bro I updated it, sorry about that Hope that helps.
  5. R

    New to gear

    I’ve done seams before and all but I want to get on gear now, any good suggestions for a good cycle? Thank you guys. Alright as of cycles, I've done sarms for a year now and been working out for 4 years I'm 24, 5'5, I'm 180 and body fat around 20%, trying to put on some decent amount of mass...
  6. R

    Dosage for ostarine and lgd.

    I'm sorry bro, Im new to this so some people mentioned purerawz and i thought it was a good source, is there anyway that you could recommend me reputable source(s). thank you man, sorry for my ignorance, i tried to do a more research on sources but I couldn't find anything since is more like a...
  7. R

    Dosage for ostarine and lgd.

    Oh I'm sorry, I just thought that the it was kinda common, but the lgd is 40ml/25mg from purerawz and the ostarine is 30ml/25mg from proven Peptides. Thank you, I hope this helps.
  8. R

    Dosage for ostarine and lgd.

    So I recently order ostarine and lgd, But the dropper that came with the ostarine says. 0.25ml 0.5ml, 0.75ml and 1.0ml, just to be sure if I want to take 25mg of ostarine then I'd have to fill it up to 0.25ml, right?? And another important question, the lgd I order comes with a dropper without...
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