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  1. G

    Pharma Lady - WOW

    I should have said I ordered via express service. I am not a person whom likes to wait for the mail, lol. But still it was less than 5 days, you can't beat that IMO
  2. G

    Pharma Lady - WOW

    Okay so I paid on Monday and my order was here yesterday (Friday). I am awed how easy and fast that was! This was my first order, I had heard so many warnings about seizure, loss of $$$, fakes, etc from people I know. I joined this group over a year ago to learn, and was amazed by the rep of...
  3. G

    50 year old steroids help

    I read up on it and checked out your related videos. I am ordering later today, had to wait price a little steep, but hey if it helps A-okay! Thanks
  4. G

    50 year old steroids help

    @buen - Any Thoughts on the bloodwork?
  5. G

    50 year old steroids help

    No honestly I dont even know what that is? But I will go check your YouTube videos to get some info - thanks
  6. G

    50 year old steroids help

    I was VERY surprised by the new ENDO! Very accommodating, and was puzzled as well. She is in her Mid-30's, and she agreed to all test from the list you suggested. She is having also have a special blood draw series next week, I go in at 5am (fasting) on Monday which would be my next...
  7. G

    50 year old steroids help

    @buen here it is
  8. G

    50 year old steroids help

    @buen - Sorry it took awhile. It took FOREVER to finally get to see a new specialist! But I had my 1st appointment and I was able to get all the blood work you suggested. I am picking up a copy of the labs today and I will post ASAP. I look forward to your input.
  9. G

    50 year old steroids help

    I do remember the show, my wife has said the same!!! No mumps. No illness in past 5 years but Flu, two cases of pneumonia, I was snake bit (Cottonmouth)(5 years ago), shot (had on body armor so only broke ribs this time)(4 years ago) and had a bad car accident last year. But in past 5...
  10. G

    50 year old steroids help

    Dumb question, but after reading a few things here, would it be worth me splitting my dose and taking it every other day??? Would it hurt? or should I just wait to see Endo?
  11. G

    50 year old steroids help

    Thanks for all your info, and I will get you guys the rest of the info you requested, as soon as I get the new blood tests, and I will ask if those test you mentioned are in the blood test panels they are doing. No, testicular cancer as of last check (um 18 months ago or so Doctor did a test...
  12. G

    50 year old steroids help

    Okay those are two more terms I will research on. I have a fasting Blood work for a complete Blood Work, Allergy (I dont know why yet) and ALL Hormone Panels, and a glucose tolerance test, that I am having drawn next week so the new Endo Doc will have results back when I go in on my first...
  13. G

    50 year old steroids help

    Thanks its appreciated - its been a frustrating turn of events! Hopefully a resolve soon!
  14. G

    50 year old steroids help

    @DylanGemelli When you get I chance (I am sure your swamped) I uploaded my blood work from last month - it included all panels including Testosterone and Estradiol panels, etc. Thanks.
  15. G

    50 year old steroids help

    I have posted a reply with the Lab Result image - but it says it need to be approved?
  16. G

    50 year old steroids help

    @DylanGemelli and @buen - Sorry it took so long to get this report, it was like asking for classified documents, wth -- anyways I hope it give you guys a better Idea of levels - I did of course black out my personal & doctor info, I am sure you understand. My appointment with the Endo is the...
  17. G

    50 year old steroids help

    Thank you. I will try to get you some blood work print outs. I do know when I was younger I had a natural High Testosterone, and even was double checked for steroids a few times in the military, and while in NANBF and again while competing in power-lifting tournaments, but I was always clean...
  18. G

    50 year old steroids help

    I have never heard of Hashimoto so I have no Idea, maybe the endocrinologist will come up with a new game plan IDK. I dont know what to do about weight, like I said i do as much as I can even excepting the pain I need to put my legs thru to get the cardio in. My diet has been monitored by a RD...
  19. G

    50 year old steroids help

    Dylan - My doctor is the one that started me off (3 years ago) at 1.5ml per week does and a little more than a year ago boosted it to 2ml per week, I have been on that dose since December of 2015, that is when he also added the Armidex into the mix. I have thought it was high, but he kept...
  20. G

    50 year old steroids help

    @buen - I dont understand the serum levels all that well, but I know the last blood test, taken the day before my injection was "63" and he said that was way to low still. He stated my estrogen level was doing okay with the current dose, but did not give me a number. I guess I could ask for...
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