It isnt going to damage anything permanently, its temporary for a week or so after cycle. Mine is basically night vision with lights looking yellow and dim.
Any updates? Im just scrolling through old posts to catch up. And i guess you learned a lesson, IF you do not have a complete pct in hand as well as any and all protection (caber, tudca, and other things) to the substances you are going to run, you need to not run anything until you do have...
Yo what up man, yesh my travel gig just didnt allow me to ne as active so i quit the job to come back to my brothas and sistas here. Lmao nah i just got tired of the road. Hope all is well with you cbbram
I remember you from a few months back, not sure why you would want to cut down to 146 lbs that is pretty scrawny however it is your plan and I will support you in that lol.
Hipo has always been solid shit. but wait, you are not recovered and or still having probs coming back to normal from your previous cycle so I wouldn't jump on this just yet like RickRock and DG told you in your other post, check your shbg and then move forward as well as your free test
also what are your bloods now? you need to do pre bloods mid bloods and post bloods.
My first questions would be what are your goals here? Are you just dabbling in AAS use as a curiosity? what are your expectations of a cycle?
post a pic for a guess at what your BF levels are and these guys...
I have used their arom, proviron, and some test amps all solid and shipping was on point as well. Hipo has been around long before I joined the forum and you can bet if he wasn't on point he would not be here