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  1. Becool12

    undetectable pct

    I don't think clomid and nolva are considered PED
  2. Becool12

    RAD 140 for someone dealing with low T

    Okay, great to know DG, you're the man. thanks
  3. Becool12

    Should I remain natural?

    you all are correct. I think I will attempt to restore myself with clomid and use RAD140. This is serious shit I am getting myself into and would rather stay natural for now.
  4. Becool12

    Should I remain natural?

    I had a small deficiency in vitamin d and in the winter, tend to stay inside a lot due to it being so cold. Never drank in my life though lol. I'm pretty sure my low testosterone was due to overtraining and dieting hard as a natural who's body coulnt recover properly, but I really don't know and...
  5. Becool12

    Should I remain natural?

    Yes, via MRI. Everything normal.
  6. Becool12

    Should I remain natural?

    Thanks for the help, man and that sounds amazing. Everyone reports a better mood and calming effect which I am hoping for. 250 seems like a fair trt dose and I'll see what happens. Did you feel constantly on edge with low t? Btw, everything was checked including my pituitary by an MRI scan...
  7. Becool12

    Should I remain natural?

    I'm almost sure it will, brother :). How has it helped you since treating the low levels?
  8. Becool12

    Should I remain natural?

    Okay, guys. I'll probably stick to 250 test once a week for an extended period until I see how I react. That's the best choice, I don't know what I was thinking about adding eq. That would not be smart. Thank you
  9. Becool12

    Sugar free drinks

    What type of health problems?
  10. Becool12

    Should I remain natural?

    Okay, hey guys. I'm in a bit of an issue right now and am torn. As you all know I am a hypogonadal male at 20 years old. My levels were 112 with low lh and fsh levels. Really not sure how it developed: nutrition problem, natty overtraining/dieting, etc. I suffer anxiety, depression, pain, aches...
  11. Becool12


    Very intense cardio for sure. I don't see why it would be a problem, most likely better than the standard cardio equipment.
  12. Becool12

    Sugar free drinks

    I've been switching to stevia based diet sodas recently and see the difference. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose seem to cause me GI issues. Still, I'd rather not have the huge sugar load than simply going the sugar free route. And your friend sounds like an overthink who is...
  13. Becool12

    Pray for Paris

    So heartbreaking to hear about this. I'll be praying for Paris. Just shows what the world is coming to and the type of corruption it's filled with
  14. Becool12

    RAD 140 for someone dealing with low T

    That's very interesting and clomid seems like such a great tool for increasing test. Only problem is that there are some emotional sides, correct me if I'm wrong. Some claim to become pretty emotional or sad while on it. Vision disturbances too. Thanks, Rickrock
  15. Becool12

    RAD 140 for someone dealing with low T

    Hey, thanks for the response tcm. I would like to try clomid with the sarms, but I am not sure if you run them together with low t therapy or use the sarm and run extensive clomid after.
  16. Becool12

    3 day tuna regiment

    I've done similar many times, yet was using whey isolate too. Still worked damn well. Tuna and whey lol Edit: Also, make sure to eat some sort of potassium on this diet, preferable spinach since it's so low in calories it shouldn't hurt your progress.
  17. Becool12

    RAD 140 for someone dealing with low T

    I may start a log soon however it is pretty expensive to run an extensive cycle
  18. Becool12


    I'd save your money, but that's just me.
  19. Becool12

    Cardio and hard gainers!!!

    Agreed 100% . Very nice post!
  20. Becool12


    Can't you make muscle gains with maintenance level of calories? I know the science and easiest way is to eat a surplus, but if one is progressing within the gym, recovering, eating enough protein, scheduled and tactic refeeds, intense training, etc, can't we gain legit tissue over time? And a...
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