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  1. D

    Nutrition help!!!

    Stats 5 9 185lbs 12%bf 35 years old Been training for 10+ years This is my 5th cycle. Goals add some muscle with minimal fat gain
  2. D

    Nutrition help!!!

    I have read people gaining size in a deficit on tren due to its calorie partitioning characteristics
  3. D

    Nutrition help!!!

    Posted all my stats in a previous thread but didn't get any answers. Will I be able to add size and drop some body fat in a slight caloric surplus running 300mg test cyp a week and 300mg of tren ace?
  4. D

    Test tren cycle

    Diet is pretty good. Was hoping to gain some size and drop body fat that's why I was thinking a slight caloric surplus could help me achieve that goal.
  5. D

    Test tren cycle

    Hi, Wanted to get a little help with my upcoming cycle. Stats 5,9 35 years old 185lbs 13-14%bf Goal is to add some muscle but lose body fat. This will be my 5th cycle. Cycle overview Tren A weeks 1-12 300mg per week Test E weeks 1-12 300mg per week Aromasin 12.5mg eod GW 510516 20mg day...
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