I had something like this happen to me. I was dosing all my sarms and I spilled my s4 all over the carpet. Teared up because I would have rather dropped any other sarm...
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Well it was cooler when it started. I didn't think it was for sure the rad 140 I just found it kind of odd that it started when I took it on its own. But like you guys have said, it could be many other factors
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That is true. I figured it was probably from something else but I wanted to know if anyone else had the same thing happen. [emoji28]
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So I've started taking rad 140 again (I had to discontinue it early due to personal problems). Lately I have noticed that I'm so thirsty like all the time. Is this a normal side effect from rad 140?
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Update: well I said I was going to wait a few weeks to try for 500 pounds but I was feeling great yesterday and ended up trying it. It moved rather quickly off the ground. Was pretty happy with the speed. Could possibly pull 515/520 amped up and everything. So far I have checked off 2/3 things I...
Yeah I'm pretty sensitive to drugs. Always have always will be. Have you tried any other sarms? I did a LGD and s4 cycle before I touched rad140 and ended up gaining like 25 pounds from it.
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Little update: hit a 475 deadlift with some ease. Going to try a 5 plate deadlift in a few weeks [emoji16] been sitting between 170-173 but strength is going up. Debating on upping the calories or just keep riding the strength gains I've been getting.
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Update: So the other day I PR'd in my deadlift. Got greedy and tried to do a 20 pound PR afterwards and got it to my knees and had to drop it [emoji28] back is a little tight but massages and soaking in Epsom salt helped a lot. At this rate I will definitely be hitting my goal lifts for this...
Update: So I've basically already hit my 315 bench goal for this cycle so I'm happy. Deadlifted tonight and got 475 to my knees before I had to drop it. If I didn't do 455 beforehand I think I would of had it. Squat I've been doing a lot volume in hopes I can get that 405 squat. I'm fixing my...
So I've been doing reps of 10-15 for my exercises on both my upper and lower days. After next week, I'll move the reps down to 8 and increase the weight. Today I did squats with 245 pounds (trying to be cautious with my back still) and I was really explosive out of the hole. Usually I am slow...
Yeah I'm hoping 10mg should be fine since it is a pretty strong compound. 20mg sounds really expensive and I just don't want to spend that kind of money [emoji28]. It made your skin bad? Weird mine has actually hasn't broken out at all since I started this cycle (I doubt it's the sarms but you...
Thanks man! I run rad at 10mg per day and take it right after I get home with work. I take 50mg or s4 pre workout and the 25mg right before bed. I know s4 isn't a stimulant but I always feel like I have more energy when I do take it pre workout. How do you like mk 677? I haven't really read up...