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  1. S

    Best first SARMs cycle?

    Hello all, I've done a PH cycle in the past, as well as 2 test cycles. I'm looking to jump into the SARMs world now. What would you recommend for a recomp? I would ideally like to gain about 5 pounds of muscle, and lose ~2% BF. I'm between MK-2866 and GW currently and would prefer to stick...
  2. S

    AI/SERM for Osta

    What would you recommend to combat any gyno issues that might arise? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. S

    AI/SERM for Osta

    Hello all... have dabbled a little with AAS in the past, however am new to the SARM world. I am slightly gyno prone. Would it be better to run a low dose AI or SARM with Ostarine?
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