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  1. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    Just finished up pct and started lgd/s4 a few days ago... let the gains begin:) already getting killer pumps in the gym and feeling great! Thinking I should log it in a new thread? Or might just end up posting a review at the end since I'm terrible at keeping up with logs lol. Sent from my...
  2. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    It will definitely pass bro. I'm already noticing it diminish but you just gotta fight through it and stay disciplined! Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  3. E

    Mega Recomp Cycle Time! A new log by Dylan Gemelli

    Nice log bro this is a pretty hectic cycle and you are clearly putting on some very nice quality size! I know what it's like trying to gain muscle as an Ectomorph you really have to force those calories in haha so keep up the solid work 👍 Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  4. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    Yea man you were on some other things too and there's alot of factors that affected your blood pressure maybe you can start it up again in a few weeks at a lower dose like I did and see how it goes! Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  5. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    I get the exact same hunger feeling it's not so much appetite, but more like stomach growling/empty feeling I love it since I'm an Ectomorph and trying to hit that 200lb mark lol Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  6. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    Yea man I think a large part of it had to do with high blood pressure/anxiety coming off a methylated compound. I'm just wrapping up pct now so all my lipids and blood pressure are healthy again and no more anxiety. Really wish I could have run the MK throughout my pct to hold onto gains...
  7. E

    Sarms and suppression

    Sorry to hear it did nothing for you man... that's too bad. I've read great things about it but anything can look good on paper right? So I'll have to put it to the TEST (pun intended) Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  8. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    Appreciate the comment bro thank you.. I am always researching and studying to learn more its something i truly enjoy... and it's great having a forum like this where Rick and yourself have years of hands on experience and knowledge to give to members. I know I'm in good hands when taking the...
  9. E

    Sarms and suppression

    I'm very interested as well I've never used ashwaganda before... would have stuck with DAA as a test booster, but I always seem to get gyno flare ups on it and it gets really fkng annoying lol. Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  10. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    That's the plan bro :) will definitely bump up to 25mg I'm a few weeks. Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  11. E

    MK677 elevated heart rate?

    Just a little update started up the mk677 again at 12.5mg and no problems this time. Gonna stick to this dose for a while and see how it goes so far 2 days in and only sides im noticing slighlty bigger appetite(could be placebo) but its great since I'm bulking haha. Can't wait to get a couple...
  12. E

    Sarms and suppression

    Yea I guess I might as well try it on the cycle this time. I have an 8 week supply so I will run it the last 8 weeks of the 12 week bridge Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  13. E

    Sarms and suppression

    Olympus labs test1fy. I'm actually thinking of running it after my sarms bridge now instead of during the bridge. I don't think any test booster will have signicant impact on keeping test levels normal while on sarms to be honest with you. Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  14. E

    Natural Test level is at 42, super shutdown.

    I've heard enhanced athletes sarms are actually legit from many users but never tried them and probably never will... the lgd would not be the culprit in this scenario anyways, since you are only 2 days into it. I suggest ypu get some clomid and do a 4-6 week pct then get bloods tested after...
  15. E

    Sarms and suppression

    I trust it has exactly what is listed on the bottle as its from a reputable company with plenty of user logs and feedback bro. But I know what you mean most of these companies cheap out and use shitty quality ingredients or don't even have any of the ingredients listed on them! I'll let you know...
  16. E

    Sarms and suppression

    Thanks bro. I have a test booster on hand which I am excited to see how it effects mood and energy on my bridge... Check out the profile Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  17. E

    Sarms and suppression

    I hear you man to me personally I don't get lethargic even when suppressed on cycle it's more of a mental thing for me. So I don't mind the suppression, but clearly for some people like yourself it can make or break your cycle and results. Perhaps maybe expirament with a test booster next cycle...
  18. E

    Sarms and suppression

    Thanks for posting bro. Everyone clearly responds differently now that weve seen multiple panels... some get mild suppression whereas others get alot. But the most important part is LH and FSH remain within range. Sure having suppressed test levels when you're on a sarms bridge/cycle sucks if...
  19. E

    PCT after Anavar Cycle

    An ostarine + s4 cycle would blow anavar out of the water just saiyan. Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  20. E

    Sarms and suppression

    Just wanted to clear up this topic since i have been doing some reading on it and there have been multiple people who complain about getting quite "suppressed" from sarms. We have now seen multiple bloodwork panels from users here showing their total testosterone as well as free testosterone...
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