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  1. R

    Opinions on this stack

    Also I apologize for the double post, could someone suggest a place i can buy clomid online? Thank you in advance.
  2. R

    Opinions on this stack

    Hmm running both instead of 1 or the other? I definitely will continue the GW for PCT I love it.
  3. R

    Opinions on this stack

    I saw you had some solid results. I feel great as of now, how did the suppresion affect you? Also what pct did you use?
  4. R

    Opinions on this stack

    Thanks. Also about the DGA? Should I use it in place of the hc generate es? I’ve had success with it I’m not sure if I should switch it up.
  5. R

    Opinions on this stack

    Hi everybody! I’ve lurked on these forums on and off for quite some time but never made an account, so here I am! My current stats are 6’1 200lbs 25 years old. I’ve experimented with a few cycles including lgd, rad, gw. I’ve always used hc generate es for pct and have always recovered nicely. I...
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