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  1. O

    New to this and looking for some specific MK-2866 advice

    Thanks Barkspawn, I should have been more precise in my stats. I'm 48, 6'1", I weigh 240lbs. My training has been off an on since high school, but not "serious" training for competition. The last time I used any kind of gear was in the early 90's with Winstrol V, and that was me being young...
  2. O

    New to this and looking for some specific MK-2866 advice

    I'm 48 and I am currently trying to get back in shape and cross training after about 3 years of sporadic workouts. I don't know my body fat %, but I know it's probably not below 20%. I'm not looking for huge gains, or looking to lift massive weight. What I am looking for is some small gains, and...
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