I'm sure it's on here, so I apologize if its been answered multiple times, but I wanted to get some opinions on the window you cycle off before going back on. Right now, running a basic 200mg/week of TRT looking to run a 6 week cycle of anavar just to polish off before a show. Coming off the 6...
This is exactly what I was looking for. Is running something along the lines of Ostarine with the Test a pretty good combination? Any other additions? Thanks again, Dylan.
Definitely should have planned better, as I wasn’t planning on running anything for this show. Maybe my question should have been more geared towards something to finish with like a Winny or anavar? Or if it’s even worth it at this point?
Dylan- much apologies, I should have proof read. 200mg/week. I have been on it for 4 weeks. I couldn’t agree more about poor planning and quite frankly wasn’t planning on running anything. I’m not looking to jump
Into Tren or anything that’s so intense, more so if there was anything worth...
Everyone- I'm sure this topic has been covered plenty, but I was hoping to put my information out and see what might be the best route for me. I'm currently 8 weeks out from my first classic physique competition (I have competed in mens physique in the past) and I'm looking to do a good 6-8...