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  1. T

    Hello all

    Much appreciated double R. Good lookin' out.
  2. T

    Hello all

    DG, I plan on administering a sarm stack once I see what type of result I get with the mk. I have already taken a mini lgd cycle (30 days) with good results. I plan on taking the full 8-12 week cycle on the sarm stack once I identify what type of result I get from each compound. If all goes...
  3. T

    Hello all

    LOL. I love TJ. I know many consider it an armpit of Mexico but it's always been a 2nd home to me. Too many fun and crazy memories that's for sure. :) Thanks for the welcome, my friend.
  4. T

    Hello all

    Thanks, guys. If anyone can pm me a suggestion on a source for pct's i would greatly appreciate it. Have a bottle of MK just sitting on my dresser that i wanted to test out as a stand-alone but waiting until i can get clomid for a mini-pct. Thanks, again.
  5. T

    Hello all

    Been absorbing all the valuable information by the ARF team and members. Trying to maintain a athletic fitness build as i'm climbing in age (46). This is my first forum i've joined and i must say i owe all of you many thank you's for the plethora of information. Thanks, again.
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