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  1. J

    1st Sarm stack & Lower Test Levels

    So looking into Endos in my area, I was under the impression that TRT was mostly low dose test injections . I assume a Dr usually prescribes an OTC , just looking for an idea as every Dr is different . My insurance is not the best , so i want to make sure I get this right the 1st time. This is...
  2. J

    1st Sarm stack & Lower Test Levels

    I've never done a steroid cycle and I'm 46, I did two prohormone cycles back in the day with good results . I'm definitely considering TRT, just trying to navigate the best way to go about it . I watched some of your videos on TRT , they definitely make sense . When it comes to TRT is there...
  3. J

    1st Sarm stack & Lower Test Levels

    I purchased my 1st sarms stack from Umbrella Labs , great experience with ordering and correcting an issue w the order. I decided to go w the ultimate Sarms Cutting stack that Dylan has laid out GW, RAD, ACP, SR9000, and S4. I go get pre cycle bloods done , and I'm on the low side 271 free...
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